on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Hidden Waters

Endangered and Disappearing Arid Land Springs of North America

Bremner Benedict

Bremner Benedict

Benedict’s projects center on the role that landscape plays in the human experience. Her focus is on unrecognized, under-valued yet important elements of the natural world. Her earlier projects, range from the role of landscape in creating memory - Distant Places; to electrical towers interruption of the American Western landscape - Gridlines; to a child’s imaginary play in natural history dioramas - Field Trip, Re-Imagining Eden; Benedict’s recent work - Hidden Waters combines art and science to envision the impacts of climate change and overuse on endangered arid-land springs in the American West.


1 2048 Borehole Springs

Man-made water exploration, Borehole Springs, Mojave Desert, Tecopa, CA

As a child, I was fascinated by a photograph of my grandmother standing next to a Saguaro cactus. Little did I know it would become a touchstone of my future. Coming from tree-crowded New England, the first time I stepped off the plane in Arizona, I instantly felt at home, captivated by the brilliancy of the light and the range of atmospheric colored hues. I found the open landscape exhilarating.

My parents travelled overseas every year. When they returned, my dad would show me endless slideshows of everything he saw on the trip. At one point he let me use his camera, I loved the immediacy of photography. Eventually, photography became a way for me to understand and make sense of the world.

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