Charlotte Bellamy chooses one of her favourite images

Charlotte Bellamy
I am a passionate creative photographer, who is inspired by the changing seasons, and beauty of the landscape on my doorstep, and the most mundane elements within it. I don’t need an amazing vista to get excited – give me waving grass and tree roots any day! On moving to The Netherlands in 2012 from the UK, I initially developed my landscape photography interests due to my lack of Dutch language skills! For the last 7 years, I have been exploring ICM and multiple exposure photography to channel and express what I feel with all my senses through the lens, I love the ability to express my creativity through my camera.
A pool of liquid molten gold slipping into cool pewter mercury before tumbling into a froth of jumbled silver. A river of personalities and a journey to follow from land to sea, an image that I cannot just see but hear as well. That would be my best description of the photo I have chosen as one of my favourite images.
I have to admit that when I enthusiastically agreed to craft this article, I had no idea how hard it would be to pick the image I wanted to share with you. Because for the one image I share with you, I am having to let so many others go. However, I am always up for a challenge, and so I have managed to meet the brief.
I tend to be a follower of photographers rather than individual images, and I follow them not only for their photography but their accessibility and how they have inspired my photographic journey. And so, the logical place to find the image to share with you was from a pool of work by a photographer that I love and have followed for nearly a decade.