Bret Edge chooses one of his favourite images

Bret Edge
Bret Edge is a professional nature and adventure photographer in Moab, Utah. In a career spanning over twenty years he has photographed all over the United States, focusing primarily on the varied landscapes of the Colorado Plateau. He is a respected workshop leader and author of the popular eFotoGuide landscape photography guides. Bret's work has been featured in magazines, books, advertising and marketing campaigns, and calendars.
When Charlotte at On Landscape asked me to select a favorite image and write an End Frame article about it, I accepted without hesitation. Almost immediately, I began scrolling through a mental slideshow of images I’ve viewed over the last twenty-five years as a photographer and I rea quickly realized that this would be no easy task. Fortunately, On Landscape was patient with me as that slideshow continued for several weeks during which time I’d been apparently been stricken with a decision-making disorder. Ultimately, though, Whit Richardson’s outstanding image of a regal bighorn sheep standing before Mesa Arch at sunrise kept popping up over and over.
I call it iconography; the act of photographing the icons of landscape photography. Though these locations have been photographed millions of times, rarely does something truly unique emerge, and that’s what made Whit’s image such a standout. Mesa Arch, in Canyonlands National Park, is a popular sunrise location and is most commonly photographed with wide-angle lenses from a position very close to the arch.