Enzo Crispino, Goran Prvulovic, Mika Stetsovski & Peter Berlinghof

Enzo Crispino
Self-taught author in the field of photography, admitted for artistic merits as Member of Merit at the International Academy of Modern Art in Rome. Born in Frattamaggiore (Naples) in 1964 and lives in the province of Reggio Emilia.

Goran Prvulovic
I am a software engineer and photographer based out of Southern Alberta since 1997. Carrying on my father's legacy as a self-taught photographer himself, the style of my pictures focuses on the beauty of the Canadian countryside - a location that I'm blessed to be able to call my home.

Mika Stetsovski
I am a photographer currently based in Yerevan, Armenia.
I work in no particular genre, but solitary places around the world play key roles in almost all of my photos. I love how these places belong to everyone and no one at the same time. I like the feelings of space and calmness that these places fulfil me.

Peter Berlinghof
Peter Berlinghof lives in a small town between Bonn and Cologne on the banks of the Rhine. He is a retired teacher and education authority officer. Peter has been taking pictures since the 2nd half of the 1960s. His main interests are travel und nature photography.
Welcome to our 4x4 feature, which is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios which has been submitted for publishing. Each portfolio consists of four images related in some way. Whether that's location, a project, a theme or a story.
Submit Your 4x4 Portfolio
Interested in submitting your work? We are always keen to get submissions, so please do get in touch!
Do you have a project or article idea that you'd like to get published? Then drop us a line. We are always looking for articles.