on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Brenda Tharp – Portrait of a Photographer

Discovering the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

Matt Payne

Matt Payne

Matt Payne is a landscape photographer and mountain climber from Durango, Colorado. He’s the host of the weekly landscape photography podcast, “F-Stop Collaborate and Listen,” co-founder of the Nature First Photography Alliance, and co-founder of the Natural Landscape Photography Awards. He lives with his wife, Angela, his son Quinn, and his four cats, Juju, Chara, Arrow, and Vestal.


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In the world of nature and landscape photography, there’s often a pull toward capturing the grandeur—the majestic mountains, sprawling valleys, and dramatic sunsets. But every so often, we encounter an artist whose work reminds us that some of the most profound beauty lies in the smaller, quieter moments of the natural world. Brenda Tharp is one such photographer, and her attention to the intimate details of nature offers a masterclass in seeing and storytelling.

Brenda’s journey into photography began early, nurtured by a childhood steeped in outdoor adventures.

Her connection to nature deepened over the years, and she ultimately carved out a career in editorial and commercial photography. Yet, it was her passion for outdoor and nature photography that called her back to her roots.
Growing up in New Jersey, she found her playground in the woods surrounding her family home. Whether hiking, camping or simply wandering her backyard, Brenda developed a keen eye for the subtleties of the natural world—a skill that would later become central to her artistic practice.

Her connection to nature deepened over the years, and she ultimately carved out a career in editorial and commercial photography. Yet, it was her passion for outdoor and nature photography that called her back to her roots. This return to nature fueled her soul and allowed her to develop a visual language that celebrates the interplay of light, texture, line, and pattern in the natural world.

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