on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

The Landscape Photographer of the Year

So What's the Controversy?

Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

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This year’s Landscape Photographer of the Year competition not only drew some great photographic entries but also raised some controversy. I wrote about this controversy at length on my blog but the length of the article by the time we had all of the updates and comments got a bit out of hand for more than a cursory glance.

So, for the benefit of those who didn’t hear about it, what was the controversy? Well initially it was raised by Alex Nail that the winner’s image was a ‘copy’ of an old photo from another photographer from the same camera club (as admitted on the photographers website). “So what”, I hear you say, “there are so many photographed places that it’s difficult to be original”. We’d agree - but for someone to be declared “Photographer of the Year” in any genre they should really be doing something original.

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