on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Morning in Kimmeridge Bay

Vanda Ralevska

Vanda Ralevska

Vanda Ralevska

I like those moments in time when everything goes quiet, my heartbeat gets faster, I take a deep breath and the time stops… until the shutter clicks and the moment that took your breath away is preserved… forever…



The British coastline has so much to offer that we are really spoilt for choice. I know Kimmeridge Bay is one of the most photographed and popular locations in England. However I still wanted to experience it myself. All these images were taken within a couple of hours I spent there from the blue hour until the tide forced me out of the beach. The sunrise was not spectacular but I still found the light quite magical. Once the rush to capture the blue hour was over I started to look around for interesting details which this place has in abundance. It is a truly inspiring place and I know for sure I will re-visit it again.





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