on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 155 PDF
Browse On Landscape on your Tablet, iPad or Desktop
End Frame: The flight of the Örn by Nils Strindberg
Stephen Hutchins chooses one of his favourite images
The Landscape Photographer’s Guide to Photoshop – Book Review
Guy Tal
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Alan Ranger, David Ball, Lucy Littleton & Martial Comeau
Fotospeed Launch OBA Free Matt Paper
Platinum Cotton 305
Isabel Curdes
Featured Photographer
Hot Places
Mixed Feelings of Iceland
Interview with Photographer Kristel Schneider
Inspired by Trees
Finding Your Creative Voice
If you want to work on your art, work on your life

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

‘Tis the season of the photography conferences and shows (at least in the UK) and all good consumers begin to think about all things new and shiny. And who doesn’t like new and shiny! Well, I certainly don’t - but I do know that buying a new camera isn’t going to make my pictures any better. But photography isn’t about that is it? Photography is a lot more than just creating pictures. The whole process we go through in the production of photographs is at least as important and for some more important than the final images themselves. And if the process of creating images is important, the tools we use to produce them, the way we interact with them and even our emotional connection with them is important. Hence why the tools are more than tools and whatever floats your boat is fair game. As long as you're aware of why you’re doing it, there’s nothing wrong with upgrading equipment, building cameras, collecting lenses, developing workstations, etc, etc. Photography isn’t just an art, it’s an escape, a meditation, a pastime that includes all sorts of side activities. If it were music you could be a studio engineer, you could build instruments, you could make effects pedals, you could collect t-shirts, you could run a fanzine (ahem).

Sometimes the photography world can get a bit dictatorial in terms of what is valid and what isn’t. I couldn’t disagree more. Do what makes you happy. Buy that new camera, upgrade that computer, build yourself a pinhole, make a book, whatever makes you happy. Don’t let anybody tell you your choices are wrong.

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Click here to download issue 155 (smaller download, 81Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue One Hundred and Fifty Five

Issue 155 PDF

Photography is a lot more than just creating pictures. The whole process we go through in the production of photographs is at least as important and for some more important than the final images themselves. more


End Frame: The flight of the Örn by Nils Strindberg

The image was taken by Nils Strindberg, a member of the Swedish 1897 An-drée Arctic expedition. more


The Landscape Photographer’s Guide to Photoshop – Book Review

The book really shouldn’t be called “A guide to Photoshop” as it’s really a guide to processing images that just happens to use Photoshop as an example. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Alan Ranger, David Ball, Lucy Littleton & Martial Comeau more


Fotospeed Launch OBA Free Matt Paper

With the help of Joe Cornish (read more ofJoe's articles), an early convert to Fotospeed papers, they have produced Platinum Cotton 305. more


Isabel Curdes

A perfectionist in search of atmosphere and ephemera through ‘imperfect’ images and prose and a lover of film. more


Hot Places

I want to show how Iceland has changed into a destination for mass tourism and how people are experiencing nature in the days of selfie sticks, social media and cheap flights. more


Interview with Photographer Kristel Schneider

I remember that all those trees at first scared me a little, the darkness, the silence...this quickly changed when the dark forest felt more familiar and I saw the beauty of it. Then the trees became a big source of inspiration. more


Finding Your Creative Voice

In hindsight, a critical transformation was underway, one where I was moving away from a person who liked to take pretty pictures and becoming a visual artist with a unique, creative voice. more

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