on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 197 PDF
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End frame: From the Cemetery Bins – The Graveyard’s Graveyard Series by Al Brydon
Richard Earney chooses one of his favourite images
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Goran Prvulovic, Neil Jolly, Richard Moore & Steven Ball
Why Monochrome?
Len muses over why he is so attracted to monochromatic photography
David Ward Exhibition Talks
Tim Parkin - "A Good Walk, Spoiled"
Richard Corkrey
Featured Photographer
7 Principles to Reduce the Individual & Collective Impact of Nature Photography on Wild Places
The Nature First Photography Initiative
Looking for Landscape Photography
Ontological Minestrone
Behind the Photograph
An interview with Charlie Waite

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

Christmas is tomorrow (how did that happen!?) and at On Landscape HQ we're in the mood for a quiet break in front of a log fire (once we've finished building our climbing wall!). Itís the time of year when we settle in for traditional festive activities like watching "Die Hard" and trying to avoid politics.

It's also a time where we look back on the year gone by. Fortunately, I gave a talk recently at David Ward's exhibition where I showed most of the best work Iíve created in 2019 (which is quite handy!) which you can see in this issue.

I've also just received a bunch of 10x8 and 5x4 film back from processing so I'll be scanning these for inclusion in the magazine where weíll be running a "digital back vs 10x8" article and also our Cooke PS945 and XVa lens reviews.

So for everybody, wherever you are, we thank you for helping make On Landscape a continuing success in 2019 and we hope you can enjoy the holiday break and that the New Year brings you peace and happiness.

Charlotte and Tim

P.s. Due to the holiday break, the next issue will be out on the 16th of January

Click here to download issue 197 (high quality, 166Mb)

Click here to download issue 197 (smaller download, 102Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue One Hundred and Ninety Seven

Issue 197 PDF

Click here to download issue 197 (high quality, 166Mb) Click here to download issue 197 (smaller download, 102Mb) more


End frame: From the Cemetery Bins – The Graveyard’s Graveyard Series by Al Brydon

Each morning during term time, the photographer Al Brydon takes his son to nursery school. At first, it is up the road, past the local Social Club, then after a while, they turn in at an opening which is the entry to the cemetery. I more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature are from subscribers: Goran Prvulovic, Neil Jolly, Richard Moore & Steven Ball more


Why Monochrome?

By working without the distraction of emotional colours I am freer to abstract the raw elements of the photograph and to steer them into my own framework of the emotions that I wish to communicate and share. more


David Ward Exhibition Talks

A recording of Tim Parkin's talk "A Good Walk, Spoiled" to go with David Ward's solo exhibition at the Joe Cornish Gallery. more


Richard Corkrey

He is fortunate to live close to some stunning areas of woodland and his images – a mix of colour, black and white, and infrared – should certainly tempt you to go for a wander in the woods. more


7 Principles to Reduce the Individual & Collective Impact of Nature Photography on Wild Places

Being part of the team that created the 7 Principles encouraged me to rethink my own behaviours and I have made some changes in response. more


Looking for Landscape Photography

At its best landscape photography may give an insight into the landscape photographed, and also into the life and perspective of the photographer. As in all areas of photography, landscape is a theme of infinite potential. more


Behind the Photograph

As well as being frozen by the beauty of what you're looking at or the magnificence of what you're looking at. So you've got that to deal with as well, you've got to convey something of your sense of wonder. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.