on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Elvis Dallie

Featured Photographer

Elvis Dallie Sq

Elvis Dallie

About three years ago I discovered nature photography through an acquaintance. Nature always appealed to me, even without photography however, this day changed the way I looked at nature. I started studying photography that day and after an initial learning period I began to play with light, settings and subjects. More and more I felt the freedom to become more creative and to develop my own style. My focus is on nature and light.


Michéla Griffith

In 2012 I paused by my local river and everything changed. I’ve moved away from what many expect photographs to be: my images deconstruct the literal and reimagine the subjective, reflecting the curiosity that water has inspired in my practice. Water has been my conduit: it has sharpened my vision, given me permission to experiment and continues to introduce me to new ways of seeing.


Elvis Dallie Behind The Waterfall

Behind The Waterfall

However we come across photography, it has a tendency to transform our lives. It’s often a sudden change, which makes a dramatic difference to how we both view and interact with our surroundings. In this issue, we find out a little more about Dutch photographer Elvis Dallie who has a secret friend to thank for sparking his passion.

Would you like to start by telling readers a little about yourself – where you grew up, your early interests and education, and what that led you to do?

I am of Indonesian descent. My parents came to the Netherlands when I was two years old. It was only at a later age that I understood that it was for a political reason and that life there was not good then under President Sukarno. It also had to do with the fact that my father was a soldier for the Dutch army. Anyway, it's a long story and I don't want to explain everything in detail. When we came to the Netherlands and were the first foreigners to come from Indonesia to the Netherlands, we lived in a guest house in Oosterbeek, not far from Arnhem where I still live today. Arnhem is located in the Province of Gelderland and I like it very much to this day. My childhood was very good, which I owe to my parents. My father died when I was seventeen and my mother in 2015. My brother two years before. I come from a family of three children but I have no contact with my eldest brother. After the death of my father, we each chose our own path to process it and while you would think you might grow closer together, unfortunately, that was not the case. I have had a lot of love from my parents and I know what love means.

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