on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Sandra Bartocha

Featured Photographer Revisited

Sandra Bartocha

Sandra Bartocha is a German photographer, speaker and author specialising in natural landscapes as well as abstract work, with the specific aim of creating images that evoke an emotional response.

Sandra is vice president of the GDT – German Society for Nature Photography, chief editor of the magazine the GDT Forum Naturfotografie, and author of various publications, including Fotoschule in Bildern. Naturfotografie and the highly acclaimed coffee table books LYS - An Intimate Journey to the North and Rhythm Of Nature.

Her pictures have been awarded in major international competitions, including Wildlife Photographer of the Year and the International Photography Awards, and are regularly presented in exhibitions in museums and galleries in Europe.

Sandra was a contributor to the pan-European project, Wild Wonders of Europe.


Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

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For our 300th issue, we wanted to revisit one of our favourite photographers and someone who contributes a great deal to the landscape photography world, Sandra Bartocha. I've always been an admirer of Sandra's work and we've worked together a few times including when she gave a talk at our conference in 2018 and when she helped us as a judge for the Natural Landscape Photography Awards. I'd highly recommend getting a copy of either "LYS" or her more recent book, "Rhythm of Nature".

Lys An Intimate Journey To The North

Since Michela last interviewed you in 2016, what has changed or evolved in your photography journey, or what aspects have brought you the greatest satisfaction?

I think I’ve come quite far since, personally and as an artist. We all survived a pandemic, which was quite cathartic for me. I remember speaking about the hamster wheel that many freelancers experience as part of their daily routine to survive as a photographer. In 2020, everything came to a halt: no presentations, no exhibitions, no assignments. I moved up north to the region of Germany where I grew up. A landscape that had always had a huge place in my heart. Suddenly I had all the time in the world, time to reflect, time to venture out every day and take images. It was a wonderful, warm, and intense spring; there were no tourists …and I absolutely enjoyed feeling and observing the changes in nature very closely that occur daily but often go unnoticed in our busy digital lives. This period was a catalyst for many ideas and projects finished. I am so much clearer these days about where I’m heading artistically and what gives me the greatest satisfaction. And that is seeing images in print – be it in books or exhibitions, having the opportunity to engage directly with the audience.

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