Video report - Joe Cornish and Andrew Nadolski try out the IQ180

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

Joe Cornish
Professional landscape photographer.
At about the same time that we were testing the cameras for the Big Camera Test, Joe Cornish was pondering the possibility of purchasing the IQ180 and in the last few weeks has been getting to grips with it. Tim Parkin and Andrew Nadolski accompanied him on a walk through Bilsdale which proved too windy to get the photograph we had planned but we stopped on the way back when a group of larches caught our eye in the shadows at the edge of the path. Despite it being almost too dark to see the composition, we decided to record the process and then to print the resultant file to share with our readers. We hope you enjoy the process and would love any feedback.