About Bruce Herman

I started carrying a camera to document my travels in the mountains. After some time, I realised that I was more interested in making photographs than climbing mountains. My first cameras were 35mm film cameras, but in the early 1990’s I found that I was primarily interested in landscape photography and decided that I could best express myself with a large format camera. The 4x5 camera would be my primary tool for over 23 years. I finally stopped using it when the kit became too heavy for my aging body. I’ve worked almost exclusively with digital cameras since 2013. I’ve been a part-time professional photographer since1990 but would have starved to death had it not been for my day job.

End frame: Alaskan Arctic Circle in spring, Caribou wandering in a herd by Michio Hoshino

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Remembering icebergs in Portage Lake, Alaska