Author Archives: J Henry Fair

About J Henry Fair
J Henry Fair is an American photographer and environmental activist, based in New York. His work has been featured in most major publications, including The New York Times, National Geographic, CNN, Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair. He is best known for his book Industrial Scars and its touring exhibition which has been shown around the world at major museums, galleries, and educational institutions. Fair has used his images to call attention to environmental and political problems in different regions of the world. Most of the sites illustrated in this book can only be seen from the air, either because of the remoteness of their location, or because they are hidden from the public. Depending on the political climate of the moment, Henry’s activities have aroused interest and/or curiosity from authorities. Repeatedly circling an oil refinery during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in a small plane inevitably was deemed suspicious behaviour and Henry has been awakened by the FBI in his hotel room where he has had to explain his activities. He has even resorted for, a while, to using an alias, paying cash at various flight schools and hotels, in order to avoid tracking.