Author Archives: Paula Pink

About Paula Pink
I previously trained as a graphic designer in London before moving to Charlotte, North Carolina in 2002 where I owned a small photography studio specializing in portraiture and fashion photography. In 2014 I earned a BSc in Liberal Arts from The New School in NYC.
Most recently I have been exploring experimental photographic processes and analogue photography, thereby considering the intersectionality between Art, Nature and Science. I work with both organic and inorganic objects and liquids, often found around the home, in contact with expired / B&W and color photo paper sourced from across the globe.
Unlike more conventional photography, where the photographer is often distanced from the subject, this practice allows me to actively engage and make contact with the materiality of both object and surface. In this manner, my presence as an artist becomes very much a part of the image-making chemical reaction that enables me also to consider and connect with my surroundings. My work to date aims to provoke an emotional response, opening up boundaries that challenge what a photograph is, can be, and its impact on the world around us.