Theo Bosboom

About Theo Bosboom

Theo Bosboom is a passionate photographer from the Netherlands, specialising in nature and landscapes. In 2013, he turned his back on a successful legal career to pursue his dream of being a fulltime professional photographer. He is regarded as a creative photographer with a strong eye for detail and composition and always trying to find fresh perspectives.

The Perfect Failure

Any Questions, with special guest Theo Bosboom

Ghostly beauty

Underwater photography without diving

Nature in the Netherlands

Is Intimate the new Grand?

Varanger Fjord in Winter

Uncomfortable Beauty

No more rose-coloured glasses, but still a love affair

10 years as a Professional Landscape Photographer

Project Based Working

7 ways to reduce our environmental impact as landscape photographers

Project European Canyons

Limpets in the Landscape

The Low Drone

Theo Bosboom – Shaped by the Sea

Hot Places

The Journey of the Autumn Leaves

After the Fire

Theo Bosboom