Binnein Beag, Allt Coire Giubhsachan, Glen Nevis, ScotlandGraham MeekOn a week’s walking holiday with my wife and on a changable April’s day we walked along Glen Nevis to Steall Falls and then beyond. Upon walking up the river leading into Water of Nevis near the ruined Steall, I came across this very orange bedrock which was pointing to distant mountains. Through the murk the distinctive round shape of Binnein Beag came into view in-between showers. I liked how the trees also formed a line towards this peak, but would have loved some foliage on them to contrast with the dark hills. Ah well, can’t have everything. Large format 4×5 (Chamonix 045N-2), Kodak Ektar, Caltar 90mm f6.8 lens, focussed with back tilt and an 81A warming filter was used if that’s important. more →