on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 4×4

Autumnal Reflection

For any landscape photographer who is always wanting to photograph special conditions & make a special image, the weather has to play ball. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Allan Harris, Cameran Ashraf, Chris Wilson & John Barton. more


Shadows and Light

These images were taken in a Woodland Trust managed area called Billinge Plantation. more


The Abandoned Village

The village of Drave, hidden in a cleft in the mountains of Northern Portugal never had running tap water or mains electricity and was never accessible by road. more



Charmlee state park is one of my favourite locations in southern California. It is a gem with hidden beaches, wonderful vistas, old oaks, deep stones, and silent fields of grass. more


Olive Groves in Italy

The olive groves we walked through most days had not been strimmed yet of all their grasses, wild alliums and flowers and the morning light through the untidy undergrowth made for a theme I tried to explore. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Dave Hammant, Mike Lloyd, Nick Browne & Simon King more


South Shropshire Study

  South Shropshire is, at least photographically, an unusual place. It doesn't have the wonder and awe of Snowdonia or The Lakes. However, what it does have is colour. I had to reconcile with myself that I would be capturing jaw dropping vistas and mountainous scenes, rather intimate scenes that are quite literally hidden away out of sight. Some are quintessential and others are sometimes stark, but the county has more


Delamere Forest

I am undertaking a year long project of photographing all the seasons and geographical diversity in this old forest more


Spectacular Sicily

These images were made while working in Sicily. For a couple of days we had spectacular sunsets and late afternoon storms. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Denis Balilbouse, Adam Pierzchala, Florian Freimoser & Glyn Lewis. more


Autumnal Beech Leaves

Autumn is my favorite season and each year I search for interesting compositions of autumnal leaves. more


Impressions from Greenland

I was very fortunate to be on an expedition cruise recently to Scoresby Sund in Greenland, the very large and complex fjord system. more


Somewhere a Tree

The project “Somewhere a Tree" (Au Bord du Grand Chemin) presented here was born from the need to take more time to make images. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Arjun Nambiar, Barry Rosof, David Cary & Mattia Oliviero more

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