on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 4×4

Imaginary Nature

These images are a glimpse on little details which have sparked my imagination in the last year. more


Lake Te Anau, New Zealand

Four images from an ongoing series of pinhole pictures. Challenging myself to work with a wider perspective and giving up control of focus for an all over blur. more


In the Spirit of the Moment

The island, located in Maligne Lake in Canada's Jasper National Park, is one of the most scenic spots in the Rockies. more


In Trees I Trust

Walking into a woodland, or even a copse of trees has always brought a sense of peace and calm. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Fabrizio Marocchini, Harris Steinman, Paolo Berto & Richard Ellis more


Sea and Structure

I was brought up by the sea in a village protected from the ravages of the ocean by an extensive groyne structure. more



This series is titled "Somiglianze" (similarities): I have approached different images, linked by visual analogies. more


Fire / Unseen

These images are of the residual marks left by water receding from the shoreline – an area of the conjunction of a river with the sea. more



Asturias, wild land, a thousand faces between the high-carved cliffs that look at the ocean and play with it. A walk in early June, when the spring gives way to summer timidly bursting. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Elliott Verdier, Erik Woolcott, Jane Ball & Somhairle MacDonald more


The Rain in my Blood – Lochaber

These 4 images were taken within the space of 3 days in July at Camus An Lighe, somewhere on the road past Glen Uig and in Glen Etive. more


In Light of Autumn

These four images to me represent how the autumnal landscape can differ according to the light. more


A Shaded Path

Four months in Kyrgyzstan, portraying this country on the outskirts of global headlines with a large format camera, through faces and landscapes. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Chris Davis, Glen Sumner, Pete Sumner & Sara Cremer more


Different Corners of the UK

The images I have chosen are a mix from across the UK. When I first started out I predominantly shot black and white images and gained my LRPS in that format. more

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