on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 4×4

The Fens

The windswept spaces of the Fenlands are bleak and sparsely populated but the harsh geometry of the landscape betrays man's presence. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Aaron Dickson, Elke Epp, John Higgs, Peter Geraerts more


Southern Seas

Four Islands in The South Atlantic - all with a rugged beauty and all very remote. Elephant Island - we met some very harsh weather which gave us brief exposure to what we can only imagine Shackleton and his crew went through. South Georgia - After a couple of days of what just seemed like an endless expanse of rough seas, the Island of more



Four Images from a recent trip to Harris And Lewis. more


Bepton Down

We moved to this area 7 years ago but only last year I became aware that there are wildflowers on ancient chalk downland on Bepton Down SSSI. more


Harris and Berneray

While I was processing these images of Harris and Berneray in The Outer Hebrides I came across some great images by Mike Prince in Issue 136 of On Landscape, also taken in West Harris. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Alison Taylor, Arron Haggart, David Eberlin & Nils Karlson more


River Trent, Near Bulcote

These photos are a small selection of the images taken in the last fifteen months.  I have spent some time concentrating on a small local patch about a mile upstream of home. more



A lot of times when shooting landscape, I like to incorporate something into the photo that supports the image. more


Yorkshire Wolds

The Yorkshire Wolds are the most northerly chalk lands in the UK and their beauty is often missed by people rushing to the coast or the cities. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Antonio Aleo, Daniel Mirotoi, John Barton & Paul Howell. more


Static Flow

This series of images is part of a larger collection looking at the movement and flow of water along a small stretch of the River Washburn on the edge of Nidderdale AONB. more


 Ullswater Shadows and Light

I had an hour on the Western shore of Ullswater when the light was constantly changing due to a stiff breeze carrying clouds quickly through the scenes. more


Pi Tren

The project is titled ''Pi tren'' and is the regionalized form for "on the train" that is otherwise wrong because you can not travel on the train, you travel in the train. more


The Millenaries Pines Loricati of Pollino

The rare and millenaries Pini Loricati of the Pollino National Park, Calabria, Italy. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.