on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 4×4

Lewis and Harris

Some seascapes I shot while visiting friends on the Isle of Lewis over Easter. more


After the Rain

I know how much a lot of people don't like rain. However as a photographer, there are a lot of times when I am really grateful for it. It makes everything so fresh, all colours suddenly become much more vibrant and little details come alive. And if you get a little bit of mist as well, you get perfect conditions for taking atmospheric photographs. more


4×4 Portfolio

Our 4x4 portfolio is open to anyone to enter, all you need to do is choose four photographs, preferably related in some way. If you would like to submit your own 4x4 portfolio please visit this page for submission information. Robin Hudson David Mantripp Andrew Smith Vanda Ralevska more



There is a prevailing sense that Iceland has been 'over-exposed' in recent months and I may well have been guilty of jumping on that particular bandwagon when I booked a workshop there at the end of February (led by David Ward and local Icelandic photographer, Daniel Bergmann). But I'm not going to apologise! It was my first visit to Iceland and after the first three days of depressingly incessant drizzle and grey mist (at around 6 degrees it was unseasonably more


The Spring

The spring has somehow been avoiding us this year. The gloomy weather has been haunting us for a few months now. So I have made the most out of those few days of sunshine that we have had so far and tried to capture the essence of the spring before it is all over... more


Imaginary Departures

These four photos, taken at different times, and different, but similar, places in Svalbard, Iceland and Antarctica bring to me the idea of a departure to an unknown, unseen destination. I also find in them the idea of a temporary haven, a brief respite from the storm. They're also all taken in areas of quite spectacular landscape, but which I've turned my back to, at least for a while. And of course they share a common format. There was more


Accidental Artists

I often find myself when I'm reviewing images saying things like "you know, that looks a bit like ...." I'm sure that I'm not unique in this and, in my case, it probably betrays a life-long frustration at my inability to paint anything other than a skirting board. However, these four images (amongst many others) struck me as being reminiscent of the work of some of the artists near to my heart, in this case Bonnard, Monet, Klimt and Kandisnky. I would more


Morning in Kimmeridge Bay

The British coastline has so much to offer that we are really spoilt for choice. I know Kimmeridge Bay is one of the most photographed and popular locations in England. However I still wanted to experience it myself. All these images were taken within a couple of hours I spent there from the blue hour until the tide forced me out of the beach. The sunrise was not spectacular more


4×4 Porfolio

Our new feature this issue is 4x4, a set of four mini portfolios each consisting of four images related in some way. If you would like to submit your own 4x4 portfolio please visit this page for submission information. Mike Green Vanda Ralevska Nigel Clarke Julian Barkway more


Metropolitan Trees

As someone who regularly travels to cities across the world, I enjoy the way trees and the buildings that make up our cities co-exist. In this set, three images are from London and one from New York and I like the way those naked twigs and branches have such wonderful shapes and structures. more


Letters on the land

I've been subconsciously drawn to recognisable patterns on the land for some time now. These images span two years - over half my photographic 'career' - and it took me some considerable part of that to recognise that I was frequently composing frames based on common glyphs. That is, I was seeing and using familiar markings, such as letters, as the starting point for my images. Naturally, when I more


Tufa Cascades of the French Jura

Picking a theme that is not geographically based is, I feel, a near impossibility with landscape photography - geography is our stock-in-trade, after all! So I decided to concentrate on the two similar tufa formations to be found within 50km of each other on the western fringes of the Jura mountain range, which neatly straddles the border between France and Switzerland. I have been visiting these sets of cascades, more


Foreshore – Light and colour

The images do link geographically in that I made them all within a two mile radius of each other and they also form part of a wider photographic geology project which, although my own, is running with the consultation of others. This is ongoing and concentrates on the geology of a specific area. More specifically, the four images form a theme within the project as I find myself more


Ice Jewels of Jökulsárlón

I visited Iceland in my youth as part of a school geology trip but retuned there for the first time in over 35 years on a photographic workshop last year. The weather was pretty atrocious, especially when we visited the glacial lagoon at Jökulsárlón, where the icebergs carved from the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier, get washout into the sea, many of which are broken up and scattered upon the black volcanic more


4×4 Portfolios

Our new feature this issue is 4x4, a set of four mini portfolios each consisting of four images related in some way. If you would like to submit your own 4x4 portfolio please visit this page for submission information. Dave Kosiur Doug Chinnery Jim Robertson John Birch more

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