Why do People Photograph?
“Why do we make photographs?” Such a simple yet quite a big question and one that few of us have a fully conscious understanding of... more

A Ramble in Wales
Landscape photographers are fascinated by a great diversity of subjects. Some are attracted to the sanctity of wilderness, others to graphic patterns... more

More ‘Books from Beyond Words’
This week we're featuring two books from Beyond Words, Sam Abell's 'Seeing Gardens' and Peter Niedermeyer's 'Appearances'. Seeing Gardens - Sam Abell Sam Abell (http://samabell-thephotographiclife.com/) is part artist/part journalist. His work for the National Geographic puts him firmly in the documentary camp and yet his photographs always seem to push to the creative interpretation, that momentary vision of something other than it is. The front cover of this book, Seeing Gardens, is a great example - a simple glance through a more

Peter Clark
In this issue we talk to Peter Clark - a photographer from Staffordshire who, in my opinion at least, had the best image in this years Take a View competition (The Landscape Photographer of the Year). We asked him the typical questions. In most photographers lives there are 'epiphanic’ moments where things become clear, or new directions are formed. What were your two main moments and how did they change more

International Garden Photographer of the Year – Collection Four
Our first book reviewed here is The International Garden Photographer of the Year, the catalogue to the annual exhibition held at The Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. more

Mionší Forest – Josef Sudek
The book details a body of landscape work, dedicated to the Mionší Forest in his home country of Czech Republic. The project spanned over twenty years... more
Big Camera Comparison – Comments
Joe Cornish Having been involved in the testing process I was a little nervous whether our 'work' in the field and studio would stand up to close scrutiny. Previous internet-published tests often seem to have a hidden agenda, (possibly to prove that the tester is right having invested in a particular digital workflow!). As a reader it would be helpful to understand what that agenda is, if any. Tim, no regular reader of this magazine will doubt that you are more

Large Format vs Medium Format Digital and Full Frame
Joe Cornish - Phase One P45 & 5x4 film; Dav Thomas, DSLR, moved to film and large format; Chris Ireland, Phase One’s representative in the NE of England more

Working in a Different Field
To become a good teacher of photography you have to find a way of explaining that procedure, looking at your own work or by critical analysis of another's more
Interview with Andrew Nadolski
Andrew Nadolski’s ‘End of the Land’ represented a watershed for many photographers in its discovery of a unique beauty in a small beach in Cornwall... more

Forget About the Forecast!
Making the most of the conditions that you are given is part and parcel of landscape photography and it’s something I am only now coming to recognise. more

The Art of Discovery
I've always been in love with the outdoors and fell in love with photographing it. I made a plan to escape the repetitious nature of a teaching timetable. more

Does Dark Matter?
It has come to my attention over the last few years that many landscape photographers have begun to shun a very good friend of mine – the black pixel. more

Balancing Light
Paul Moon’s article about the inclusion of areas of black in an image got me thinking about a pet peeve of mine - the balance of light in a picture. more