on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

Nature In Focus – Canon 1Dx Launch

To mark the launch of the new Canon 1Dx camera, we are delighted to invite you to join our one-day photography workshops at a Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust venue near you FREE OF CHARGE – an inspirational day with top class speakers normally worth £85 but now free! Canon will have cameras at these events for you to try out as well. Obviously, places are strictly limited at each venue more


The Perils of Testing

The critics were quick to call the test biased but I had the impression that there were a few different complicating factors... more


Photographers versus Image Libraries

Have you considered placing images with an image agency? Perhaps you have had work accepted by a library and are waiting for the money to start coming in? more


Guy Tal

Guy Tal is writing an article for us but we thought you'd like a podcast to listen to whilst you are out on location or just travelling to work. more


Introduction to Masks

In our second post processing instalment, we take a closer look at curves for contrast adjustments and targeted brightening and darkening of the image. more


David Mould

David Mould lives on the top edge of Glasgow with amazing access to Loch Lomond and Glencoe. He has had quite a profile recently... more


Landscape Revisited – Joe Cornish & Kane Cunningham

Tim Parkin, ably assisted by Andrew Nadolski produced a short video interview with Joe and Kane as they walked us around the event. more

Photographs 1951-2010 - John Blakemore

Photographs 1951-2010 – John Blakemore

Even if I admit to being heavily influenced by my workshop with John Blakemore, this is still one of the most beautifully printed books I own more

Carr Clifton Master Landscape Photographer

Carr Clifton

Carr has been photographing the landscape for over thirty years. In that time he has produced five exhibit format books, including my favourite, California more


You’ve been Framed…

I wasn’t going to mention copyright/image size debate so soon but a blog post made me think more about my reasons for publishing images at a large size. more


Iceland Landscapes – Daniel Bergmann

Book design by Bergman, it is very well thought through with excellent photography. Foreword by Pall Asgeir Asgeirsson and an introduction by David Ward more


David Taylor

Our featured photographer this issue hails from Northumberland and has developed his landscape photography into a career after leaving the videogame industry in 2004. more


Andrew Nadolski

Images in 'End of the Land' blew me away. The range of shapes and composition inspired me and I was intrigued by the colour - yes, film again! more


Music and Photography

Having learned to play piano as an adult, and also became obsessed with landscape photography in my thirties, I’ve been amazed at the similar trajectories. more


Alex Nail

Seeing these images lit a fire inside that has never gone out. if I worked hard I could reach the same standard and that changed my outlook on photography. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.