From Hobby to Career
When I bought my first digital camera seven years ago, I hadn’t remotely considered that it might one day provide a career for me to follow. more

Photography and Music
In terms of music structure, the classic progression of dissonance to resolution has it’s potential in photography too. more

Simply & The Quiet Land – Peter Dombrovskis
The only book readily available from Peter Dombrovskis is ‘Simply’ which although reaching the end of it’s print run, can still be bought from a couple of places in Tasmania. more

Peter Dombrovskis
I found out about Peter Dombrovskis when I was on a large format photography course with Joe Cornish and David Ward. more

Doug Chinnery
This issue we've been chatting with photographer Doug Chinnery, a very talented photographer who works across a variety of styles. more

Simply Beautiful Photographs – National Geographic
It isn’t possible to do justice to such a large collection of photos in this review. The text is generally a good read even if we have come across many of the thoughts in other books. more

Beyond Beauty
What is 'beauty' in landscape photography? On the face of it, it's almost a question that doesn't even need to be asked. more

Don Tiffney
He is a keen cycler and has covered great swathes of the highlands towing camera and camping equipment. We asked him the usual range of questions and he sent us a range of pictures that I had picked out from his Flickr stream. more

Interview with Jason Theaker
I met Jason Theaker a few years ago when I had just started using my digital camera and again a few years later when I first picked up my large format camera. more

In Defence of ‘Wow!’
There has been a fair bit of sunset/rise bashing goes on in LandscapeGB and there's been a good few debates about the virtues of flat light, contemplative compositions and all that goes with it. I myself am a fully signed up member of the wowless club, the more I journey into the my world of photography, the more demure my images get – so getting me to sing the praises of Wow(!) photos is a bit like getting Wayne Rooney more

Ardnamurchan in the Rain
Only three and a half days of photography but a wonderful experience. The biggest learning from this trip for both of us was how the rain enhances colours and even at this time of year when things can get particularly dull, there is still wonderful colour to be had if you can brave the rain. more

The Skirrid Hill Project
For many landscape photographers it is the project, either based around a specific area, subject or theme. I’m a big advocate for working on projects they add not just breadth, but depth. more

Give some Praise where Praise is Due
I've read a couple of blog posts recently that asked photographers to give a bit of praise and I thought I'd pass this request on. Next time you see a website or a photograph that moves you, spend a few moments to send the photographer an email or use the contact form on their website. Most photographers don't make much money out of their work an the boost that the praise from another photographer can give is so much more

Chris Goddard
This week I asked Chris Goddard from the south of Wales to send a couple of pictures of Mewslade to me to 'critique'. I'm not a huge fan of the term critique - hints of criticise but that is far from what I want to do here. The two photographs are wonderful interpretations of an area of the world that I visited and found very difficult. If you want to see some more of Chris's pictures, take a look more

Elemental Landscapes & The Photographer at Work – Harry Callahan
My interest in Harry Callahan was piqued when Joe Cornish showed me some of his work and I also saw him mentioned in relation to Minor White and Steiglitz. I saw a book called 'Elemental Landscapes' whilst searching on Alibris and had to buy it. I also bought 'Harry Callahan - The Photographer at Work' from Amazon. more