What is that extra ingredient?
I’ve thought about this a lot and asked myself how this relates to the way I take photographs. Do I try to express feelings and emotions when I take a shot? The answer is sometimes yes, but often no. more

10 Years of On Landscape
In celebration of our ten years of publishing our magazine, we thought we'd pick some of our favourite content for you to look back on, particularly if you weren't a subscriber from early days. more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: Gary Tucker, Nils Leonhardt, Peter Reid & Phil Pither. more

Tantramar – Marsh and Mud Flat
Straddling the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, the Chignecto Isthmus lies at the head of the Bay of Fundy. Much of its southern area is marshland, among which are the Tantramar Marshes. more

The Challenge of Habitat
Nature has the last call when the beauty of a landscape unravels. A photographer can thus only develop pure patience after understanding this fact. The outdoors have been calling my soul since I can recall. And in view of these odd Corona days, I came to realise how gifted I was. more

Confinement 2020
This is a selection of pictures from those I made during the eight weeks of officially imposed lockdown in the Spring of 2020 as the French nation responded to the threat of Covid-19. more

Rocks, Trees
I find images that are ambiguous, enigmatic and with a surprise element particularly interesting. My selection approach is simply that they 'catch my eye' and of course the overwhelming majority simply do not work as expected when reviewed later on screen. more

Stay longer, look closer, dig deeper
I've followed Eliot's work since Steve Coleman interviewed him back in 2015. Eliot's work has been prolific since then, working on different collaborations and projects, whilst exploring different mediums for expressing his work; from handmade books, printed books, and his most challenging project "Country Made of Dirt". more

William Neill – “Light on the Landscape”
If you ever think “what would Ansel Adam’s work be like if he’d taken up colour photography instead of black and white?” then the answer is, depressingly, pretty bad as his short trial of early colour film goes to show. If he’d used colour film from a young age and developed his craft I don’t think he would have been too far from what we see from William Neill. more

Walking through the Ampezzo Dolomites
I was clear on what story I wanted to tell and I was clear on how I should do it. I worked with “tilt&shift” architectural lenses; for me, these were no longer mountains, but sculptures more

"Quiet", Margaret Soraya’s solo exhibition opens at the Taunus Gallery in Frankfurt on Saturday 31st Oct and runs through until January 2021. more

Hal Gage
Being an artist has meant not steering my creativity to push an agenda. I think Ansel Adams had his internal turmoil about keeping his motives pure: even after becoming a de facto spokesman for the Sierra Club where he lobbied Congress on environmental matters more

Issue 217 PDF
Click here to download issue 217 (high quality, 208Mb) Click here to download issue 217 (smaller download, 149Mb) more

The Perimeter
Quintin Lake has featured in a couple of articles about his adventures in "From Greenland to the Sahara" and a walking project on the Thames Waters in previous On Landscape issues more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: Barry Rosof, Benjamin Stevens, John Higgs & Sanjeev Kumar Yadav. more