on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

One Morning

All of these photos were taken on the same early Summer morning at the same lake in beautiful atmospheric conditions at Creeve Lough in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. more


Black and White on the Rocks

I have lived in, and explored, the Canadian Rockies for the past 35 years or more and these are some of my favourite black and white images I have made of the places I love more


Alberta Highway #40

One of the most beautiful roads in the entire Albertan rocky mountains is a winding path known simply as Alberta Highway 40. more


David Ward Exhibition Talks

A recording of Tim Parkin's talk "A Good Walk, Spoiled" to go with David Ward's solo exhibition at the Joe Cornish Gallery. more


Looking for Landscape Photography

At its best landscape photography may give an insight into the landscape photographed, and also into the life and perspective of the photographer. As in all areas of photography, landscape is a theme of infinite potential. more


Behind the Photograph

As well as being frozen by the beauty of what you're looking at or the magnificence of what you're looking at. So you've got that to deal with as well, you've got to convey something of your sense of wonder. more


David Ward Exhibition Talks

A couple of weeks back I visited the Joe Cornish gallery to give a talk, along with Joe Cornish and Lizzie Shepherd, at David Ward's exhibition, "Overlooked". The exhibition itself is fantastic and is well worth a visit but just in case you missed the talks, we recorded them all for posterity. We are publishing the talks in reverse order though as David's exhibition runs until the 14th of December and we're hoping that seeing the talk will convince more


Passing Through – Colin Jarvis

One of our readers, Colin Jarvis, popped in to say hello last month on the way back from running a workshop in Skye. more


Passing Through – Margaret Soraya

In this podcast, Margaret talks about her exhibition and what she finds in the quietness and solitude of the islands that keeps pulling her back. more



The quarries have left a profound impression on me. They undoubtedly reinforce many questions on a wide range of issues including beauty, greed, consumerism, society, environment and personal responsibility. more


Norway Trip Report

During our last Meeting of Minds conference, one of our regular visitors, Trym Ivar Bergsmo, said to us “Would you like to come and stay with us in Norway sometime and allow me to show you around?” As both Charlotte and I are more of the cold climes holidaymakers rather than the beach and cocktails sort, this caught our interest immediately but in the frantic conference conditions, it slipped our minds. We checked that Trym was still amenable more


End frame: Zbyszko Siemaszko – Untitled (sygn. nr. 51-687-30)

We’re faced with a street well populated by people and vehicles, soaked in the pouring rain. Moreover, taken in a black and white which betrays the photograph’s analogue origins and its age. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature are from subscribers: Chris Cullen, James Popp, Paul Hetzel & Sérgio Conceição more


Intimate Suffolk Landscapes

These photographs represent an attempt to switch away from my ‘go to’ mode of photography (coastal landscapes, usually wide angle / tilt-shift) to more challenging monochrome work in more complex inland environments, using longer focal lengths. more


Kettle Moraine State Forest Conifers

I have been photographing in the Northern Kettle Moraine State Forest in Wisconsin for a number of years. One feature of the forest is a number of planted conifer woods that were put in as part of reforestation in the last century. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.