Man and mountains in Greenland
From the time of the Vikings onwards, the settlements of man have been dwarfed by the magnificent mountains of Greenland. Hvalsey is the site of Greenland's largest, best-preserved Viking ruins. more
No Signal
Would the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness be the same if cell phones worked? It would be challenging to enjoy it the same way. The lack of access to social media makes it easier to connect and foster real experiences. more
Where are the Borders in Mseilha’s Dam Construction?
The complex notion of man-made settings in relation to their existing natural landscape has thus been misconceived. In a highly urbanised world that we live in, geography has become the modern element for the creation of conflict. more
Paul Kenny and Doug Chinnery
We’ve got a couple of books to review in this issue, both by Kozu and both authors have been featured in On Landscape. Paul Kenny's creations with saltwater, flotsam and jetsam are both fascinating and exquisitely crafted. Doug Chinnery has no secret of the fact that his photography has been influenced by Paul Kenny’s artworks (amongst others). more
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Alex Nail, Barry Rosof, Dan Dragos & Nils Leonhardt more
Melt in the Icelandic Highlands
Every year the melt occurs at a different time in the Highlands of Iceland. Depending on the weather and snowfall over the winter the patterns and textures can vary wildly. more
Quiver Trees
On a camping and photo tour of South Africa’s North Cape State (North West on the Atlantic and South of Namibia) I spent several nights in the part of the Richtersveld National Park that is home to Quiver Trees (Aloidendron dichotomum). more
The journey of two
This portfolio is about the journey of the two souls, who have found each other. The images express the process of the relationship between two souls, expressing their love in time and space. more
Of Sea, Life and Freedom
I've selected some of those photos that have made me feel free. I wish I could share with the world the huge joys behind what many consider to be a sacrifice or a luxury. Nature shouldn’t be seen in that way. more
Space —– My —-
A photography project inspired by the first woman mountain guide, Gwen Moffat & her book ‘Space Below My Feet’ more
Landscapes of the Mind’s Eye
It takes time to see beyond the obvious. If we allow it, an enchanting world can be conjured up from something totally unexpected. But we need to allow for the unexpected to happen. more
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Richard Kent, Murray Livingston, Guy Washburn & Goran Prvulovic. more
Mountain Peaks – Canmore
These are the well-known mountain peaks surrounding Canmore, Alberta. A frequent site for travellers driving alongside the highway to Banff. more
Falling Waters
While the mountains in Massachusetts lack the size required to produce waterfalls of the impressive scale of our neighbouring states to the north and west, I am entranced by the more modest intimacy of the falls of my home state. more
Symphony of Water
The Icelandic south and east coast are varied, stunning, and formidable in its natural formation. I cannot say whether this mini portfolio gives a true image of Iceland, but it is my contention that Iceland can only be witnessed. more