End frame: One-way bridge at Trafalgar, by Fay Godwin
It is a beautifully balanced image. And then what makes the image for me is that the darkness under the bridge frames an image that is complete in itself—another view of the railway line overshadowed by another slender tree. more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Bob Davis, John Higgs, Martyn Pearson & Priyanka Paltanwale. more

Into the Woods!
While capturing these photographs I just had one thing in my mind and that was to capture the mood. In photography, light play very important role. You have to be there on location at right time. more

The primary intention of the work is to interrogate the effects of human intervention on the dynamics of our atmosphere using the tools of expressive photography. ‘Torfskeri’ is an Old Norse name for the iron tool for cutting peat. more

States of Water
I studied archaeology to degree level and the circle was a reoccurring theme in prehistory that particularly interested me. more

Buried in the Rocks
On the afternoon of the 2nd of February 2018, I witnessed an accident which truly shaped my practice as a photographer. This incident, which will forever hold a place in my mind, had a strong influence on a recent project - ‘Buried in the Rocks’ and became the first location I shot for the project. more

Skye – Away from the Madding Crowds
Living as we do in Ballachulish, we often hear news from the Isles, and particularly Skye, that they are overcrowded with tourists. It reached a fever pitch last year with CNN Travel listing Skye as one of their places to “avoid” and the police “advised visitors to stay away unless they had already booked places to stay”. So when we were approached by Jakub Bors, landscape photographer and operations manager of the Skeabost hotel on Skye, about possibly more

Kate Somervell
Kate Somervell is the first photographer to be under the spotlight as part of the 'Focus on" feature at Joe Cornish Gallery. We caught up with Kate to find out more about what inspired her photography, her style and the challenge of producing a series of works. more

Graduated Filter Test – Part Four
Our Graduated filter system tests are nearly at an end (or at least at a point where I’m happy to commit to some conclusions as someone has just reminded me about vignetting tests and a final video in the field). more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Daniel Wheeler, Ian Bramham, Jason Robert Jones & Kate Zari Roberts more

Urban Landscapes
For me, urban landscapes can be just as exciting and interesting to photograph as the more traditional landscapes of our natural environment. more

The 4 images I've chosen are examples of things that go unnoticed, hidden in plain sight. They can sometimes become unintentionally abstract as the thing that grabs our initial attention is usually shape, form, texture etc. more

Leelanau Winter 2019
The Leelanau Peninsula of Michigan is where I have the good fortune to make my home. Yet as I have recently discovered, there is a side to the landscape I have only just begun to become acquainted with, at least from an artistic standpoint. more

Lake MacIntosh
Lake MacIntosh has been my refuge and sanctuary for quite a few years. I've gone there in times of sadness and distress as well as happier times. I feel a deep connection with the land, the trees and the water. more