A morning in the Grand Canyon
Wildfires on the North Rim meant that smoke was flowing down into the canyon which was picked out by the rays from the rising sun, and the final image shows how it was filling vast swathes of the area. Beautiful to see, but a sobering sight. more

The Last Winter
During the snowy weather in January I decided that I would take my drone and shoot the iconic power stations of Ironbridge. more

A creative journey into abstract photography
Fotospeed's Vince Cater asks their ambassador Valda Bailey how art has inspired her journey to abstract photography, her love of working in a non-prescriptive way, and the joys of a printed image. more

A question of responsibility
Do we have a Voice? And does being an outdoor photographer inevitably lead to environmentalism? And if so, what if anything are our responsibilities? more

A Shock to the System
I have always known that there were inherent dangers in mountainous environments. Avalanches, landslides, storms, falling from great heights and even flooding are to name a few. more

The navigation posts are such simple structures yet from a sailor's/seafarer's point of view they are so important. Because of what was going on politically it made me want to travel around and shoot around the country not just at one location. more

Nicholas JR White – Our Place in the Landscape
Nicholas will discuss how he undertakes such projects and how he communicates narrative through a combination of landscape and portrait elements. more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Daniel Wheeler, David Ashcroft, David Cole & Harvey Lloyd-Thomas. more

Roads in the Landscape
Many landscape photographers, myself included, often try to exclude man-made structures from our images, notwithstanding that the wider landscape itself may be the result of long-term human intervention. more

Norfolk Broads on misty February mornings
A visit to the Norfolk Broads at the end of February coincided with a spell of misty, frosty mornings and blue skies during the daytime. more

The geological features on show at Puzzlewood are known as scowles. Scowles originated through the erosion of natural cave systems formed in the carboniferous limestone many millions of years ago. more

Graham Cook's exhibition launched on 9th March with talks by Doug Chinnery, Mark Littlejohn, Valda Bailey, David Ward and Joe Cornish interviewing Graham Cook. For those who could not join, we recorded the talks so everyone could watch and immerse themselves in hearing these spellbinding talks. more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Andrew Bulloch, Andy Gulland, Chris Davis & Claudio Neri. more

The haphazard landscape photographer
After 2018 school summer holidays I had 12 rolls of film to process...that’s only 144 exposures over 6 weeks but those photographs tell the story of those six weeks. more

Fairy tales of woodlands
Starting to think that there is something beyond the big vistas was my great challenge as well as looking for shots that reflect my emotions of the moment as well as a simple landscape. more