on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

Theo Bosboom – Shaped by the Sea

Theo talked about his recent project, Shaped by the Sea where he explored the Atlantic coast of Europe, in every season and in all kinds of weather conditions. more


The Fireweed Turns

The Fireweed Turns takes place one summer in Alaska. Katharine MacDaid rented a jeep, bought a sleeping bag and a road map and set off with some half-remembered place names in a notebook. more


Harris Shapes and Forms

All these emotions captured with my camera in this project, not only the breath-taking landscapes but the essence of Harris's voices and colours. more


End frame: Destruction of the Monumental Arch 2018 Sir Don MuCullin

The scene of destruction could be why Don was drawn to this area, it looks like it has just been bombed, the image documents a crushed and repressed area. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Bret Edge, Fenella Ross-Elmer, Ian Bramham & Monica Almada Gouveia. more


Home from Home

These set of images are all taken in Madeira, where my both my parents originate from and where all my summer childhood memories are based. more


The Alps in Winter

These photos were all taken while I was skiing in the Alps. more


Highland Dereliction 2018

Derelict crofts, barns and outbuildings, run down within the highland landscape. more


Desert Reflections

People often view deserts as dry, barren wastelands. While this may be true of some, it certainly isn't true of the Colorado Plateau landscape surrounding Moab, Utah. more


Paul Hill

Paul offers a provocative alternative vision of landscape photography that advocates that we could make more interesting landscape images by being ourselves. more


End frame: Twisted Rowan III by Colin Bell

It has inspired my own work, opened my eyes up to another landscape. I no longer seek out the grand view, though some are still hard to pass up. more


Subscribers 2018 Gallery

Back in December in issue 173, our last of the year, we asked our subscribers to submit an image to represent their 2018 photography. more


Give Ben Shieldaig a Bright Future

If you had the chance to save 10,000 acres of prime wild land in the UK, would you try to take it? more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Ian Smith, Jaume Llorens, JD Lewis & Jo Stephen more


Field Margins

Field margins planted with native wildflowers are one of my favourite habitats to explore in the Spring and Summer months. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.