On the daily way to the office
The way leads through a suburb of Berlin and past a small valley. A small stream flows through the valley and there are small meadows, woods and old trees. more
Woodland Squared
Making an order from chaotic scenes can be difficult and the challenge is what appeals to me. more
“North West” by Alex Nail
When I spoke to Alex Nail about his work a few years back, he kept saying “Oh I’ve kept a few photos back for the future” I hoped then that he might be planning a book. more
Community Exhibition Catalogue
We have created a PDF of all the images which were submitted to the community exhibition. Our thanks go to each of our delegates for supporting the conference and for making it such a brilliant event. more
Moor Than Tors – Dartmoor
This is the culmination of my last 6 years work and a celebration of perhaps the lesser known areas of both the uplands and lowlands. more
Graduated Filter Colour Accuracy Testing – Part Two
Sometimes you think you've got things so right and yet, when you look at the result, you realise that something has gone significantly wrong. In the last issue I published the results of a series of test on graduated filters, even though I had a few doubts about the results. more
End frame: “Trees in Gale” by Sir Wilfred Thesiger
Thesiger, a largely self-taught photographer, realised that he could bring to life the incredible scenery he witnessed and the peoples whose cultures he respected and cherished. more
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Ben Schreck, Jack B Turner, Nils Leonhardt & Simon Gulliver. more
Broken Trees
Having the opportunity to revisit these locations it is surprising how dynamic the woodland can be. more
Spirit of Place: The Colours of Autumn
A tight and compressed scenery, hostile to any landscape photographer. But these trees had that grand coloured leaves that captivated my attention. more
Sun & Sand
The East more than makes up for its lack of mountains with its 500 miles of coastline. more
Between Two Caps
The breathtaking cliffs between the two caps Erquy and Frehel inspire me again and again. more
Krista McCuish
For those that find the North truly magnetic, the idea of limitless wetlands and coastal areas where nature still holds sway may just make you a little envious. more
A Shaded Path
The project was based on four months in Kyrgyzstan, highlighting the generational disparities between those nostalgic of the abolished USSR order and modern westernised youths born after the fall. more
Printing makes you a real photographer
My argument against printing is, in fact, not against printing at all. It is against everyone printing or feeling that must print. more