on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

Bole Hill and Lawrence Field Winter

I put together these images after a winter trip to Bole Hill and Lawrence Field near Hathersage in the Peak District. more


The Lonely Planet

Simple and minimalist compositions of how I thought of Isle of Harris at the time... 'The Lonely Planet'. more


Auvergne 2016

The Chaudefour Valley Corrie, one of the Auvergne's most beautiful glacial valleys, is a superb mix of habitats from lush alpine pastures, scrubland, rocky crags and beech woodland. more


Burning the Bog

Many landowners burn the dry, dead vegetation on peatlands to encourage new lush growth to sustain their livestock. Other fires may be started maliciously, by accident or through natural causes. more


The Unseen Photographer

Joe Cornish talked at the Meeting of Minds Conference 2014. He talked about and shared some unseen work that is essentially personal. This work goes back a long way into by archive since he has been making such images since he first picked up a camera. more


Birch Article – Call for Photos

Just like our Heather article in a previous issue, we would like to include some of your best photographs of the Birch, either as part of the landscape, as a subject in its own right or as part of an abstract, detail or macro. more


Pre Conference Workshop

When I was talking to Len Metcalf about coming from Australia to talk at our conference in November, he expressed an interest in offering a small workshop the week before. As a full-time photography teacher (at the aptly named “Len’s School”), I pointed out that this was a bit of a busman’s holiday but Len was still keen to see if the Antipodean school of tuition would be of interest to a Limey audience. Knowing Len more


Organising a Photo Laundry

Visually resembling the print-drying lines that were strung across traditional photo labs, it’s part community event, part print-exchange and part pop-up exhibition. more


Towards a radical perspective

This summer I headed back into the woods, this time, the Moroccan variety; a little scruffy, not too grand, small scale, motivated once again to employ the self-imposed rules of 30 years ago more


Meeting of Minds Conference Update

With three months to go, we are delighted to announce that we have over 120 people booked for the conference. So without further ado, please find the latest information on the schedule of speakers, day tickets (and discount code) and lightning talks. more


Heather – Calluna Vulgaris

It’s heather season in the Northern hemisphere and those areas blessed with this glorious plant are being presented with one of the wonders of nature. In certain places in the Yorkshire Moors, Peak District and the moors of Scotland there is a swathe of mauve that can extend from horizon to horizon. If you’re driving over the tops of the Yorkshire moors it can seem as if you are afloat on clouds of blossom. If you live in a moorland more


The Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands, also known as "the islands of sheep“, lie in the Atlantic Ocean, halfway between Iceland in the west and Norway in the east, and north of Scotland. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Brian Clark, David Cole, Marc Hermans & Ruth Grindrod. more


Light and dark

These four photographs were shot of the amazing Isle of Harris Scotland. I believe all photographers feel the same about Harris and Lewis; it's a stunning place with the constantly changing weather more


Photographing the Montferland Woods

It has become a habit to visit the woods around our house at least once every week. I already feel very attached to my environment and to see the woods change on an almost daily basis is truly fascinating and inspiring. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.