on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

Light & Shadow; Namibia dunes

I was lucky enough to visit Namibia in April this year, and one of the highlights of the trip was capturing sunrises and sunsets on the dunes, both at Sossusvlei and further north. more


Below Zero

The prospect of guaranteed pristine snow and ice is, I find, irresistible, and a recent visit to the Lofoten Islands in February provided the conditions I find so appealing. more


Cooking up a Classic

Rafael Rojas talked at the Meeting of Minds Conference 2014 and explained how landscape photography as a creative way of personal expression is not just capturing pretty pictures of beautiful scenery, using advanced cameras or travelling to exotic locations. more


Location Guides by FotoVue – Cornwall & Devon, North Wales and the Lake District

Location guides are both a great idea and an abject failure, they promise a world of photographic opportunity but typically deliver the same old worn out locations with vague guidelines on which equipment to take and what month to go there more


Derelict Details

Lately, I've become fascinated with the effect of time and the weather on the fabric of the derelict boats and net huts. more


In The Woods

I love the area where I live on the border between Northumberland and Tyne and Wear. It feels like a duty to give a true and authentic representation of the beauty of the area. more


Silent Waters

These four pictures are part of a series called 'Silent Waters'. In this series, I tried to capture places at the shores of lakes where men can meet / enter the water: more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Istvan Nagy, Jonathan Carr & Paul Burgess more


Julian Calverley – “A Journey Into Landscape Photography”

Many people are probably only aware of Julian Calverley for his iPhone photographs and subsequent book. These gained a huge amount of coverage for Julian, so much that I think he's a little fed up of the iphonographer label. However, Julian's work is so much more than just the mobile phone and a bit of post processing. His bread and butter work are in high end advertising photography for clients such as the car manufacturers Land Rover, Aston Martin more



The exhibition brings together a small selection of photographs of trees in the landscape that I have been studying for the last 30 years. more


Clashach Cove

Clashach Cove, sometimes known as Cove Bay, is in the North East of Scotland and is situated on the Moray coast to the East of the little town of Hopeman. more


Sandra Bartocha

It’s taken a little while to do so as Sandra has been busy bringing to completion Lys - An intimate Journey to the North, her joint project with Werner Bollmann, but I think you will agree that it has been worth the wait. more


Using Light Meters

In summary, we have spot meters that take a reading of a specific small area of a scene and incident meters that measure the light falling on a scene. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Carla Regler, Andy Ford, Daniel Secrieru & David Driman. more



One person’s junk is another’s subject material. A friend and fellow photographer, and I like to photograph the urban landscape. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.