on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

Sandra Bartocha

It’s taken a little while to do so as Sandra has been busy bringing to completion Lys - An intimate Journey to the North, her joint project with Werner Bollmann, but I think you will agree that it has been worth the wait. more


Using Light Meters

In summary, we have spot meters that take a reading of a specific small area of a scene and incident meters that measure the light falling on a scene. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Carla Regler, Andy Ford, Daniel Secrieru & David Driman. more



One person’s junk is another’s subject material. A friend and fellow photographer, and I like to photograph the urban landscape. more


Forest details

I try to hike the trails of my local forests as often as I can. I love trees and have been trying to photograph them for a while now. more


Bolerium, Cornwall’s West Penwith Peninsula

‘Bolerium’ explores the physical and psychological landscape of Penwith, an isolated region in the far west of Cornwall. more


As The Delta Flows

Iceland has always had a special magic, being lucky to get up in a helicopter with open sides was my first experience of photographing from the air, and one I will never forget! more


Matt Lethbridge

This issue we're chatting to someone who has only recently given landscape photography a concerted effort (his oldest photo on Flickr is from 2014) but he's done pretty well in that short period of time. more


Interview with Diego Lopez & Patrik Larsson

After spending a week in Andalusia you get back home with images from untouched fog forests, the wetlands of Doñana, photogenic coastal areas with the Moroccan mountains in the background, desert areas, mountain views from Cazorla and Grazalema. more


A Walk in the Woods

Agreeing to stage a solo exhibition always seems like a good idea at the time. It is flattering to be asked. The request often comes many months, if not a year or more in advance and so all the work involved seems so far away as to be inconsequential. more


England and Nowhere

It's become one of the mainstays of project-based photography, a simple, semi-mechanical way to invest one's ingrained photo-habits with aesthetic significance. more


Alan Ranger

I saw Alan Ranger's blog post about photographic journeys and his own personal journey that culminated with some one to one tuition with David Ward and wanted to find out a little more about him. more


Interview with Nicholas White

I've been following Nicholas's photography since he started publishing his 'Militarisation of Dartmoor' series and when I saw he had started a new series on our bothy system I was intruiged to meet up and find out more. more


Endframe: Basin Mountain, Approaching Storm, by Bruce Barnbaum

I first came across the name Bruce Barnbaum when I bought his book “The Art of Photography: An Approach to Personal Expression”. I remember sitting on the platform at London Bridge Station, waiting for the train home and reading the first pages. I was approached by a stranger who said, “This is the best photography book you’ll ever own.” He was right. I’ve bought dozens of books on photography since then, but this one is still the more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini portfolios from our subscribers - Andrew Mellor, Janet Salmon, John Erskine & Peter Williams more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.