on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

Damian Shields

In conversation & in writing, his passion is obvious, and he admits to a childlike sense of wonder and anticipation when planning a trip more


“Mistresses of Light” Exhibition

“Mistresses of Light” exhibition that opens in OXO Gallery on the 9th of September 2015 and lasts until the 13th of September celebrates the art of landscape photography created by women artists. There are twelve contributing photographers in the exhibition, and what brought us together was our passion for landscapes and photography. The “Mistresses of Light” title reflects our fascination with the unsurpassed light in the natural world and our constant effort to capture it. It has been a long journey more


Sony A7RII – Wrap Up

The Canon 5DSr and the Sony A7Rii offer the highest resolution and some of the highest sensitivity at high resolution available and it would be remiss not to compare and contrast them. more


Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2015

Open to amateur & professional photographers from around the world, the competition covers all genres of outdoor photography. more


Terry Gibbins

I feel very lucky in that I have met a lot of the photographers that have inspired me. more


Sony A7Rii

You can see here that when you expose a difficult subject the Canon actually looks pretty good and very close to the Sony. more



‘MOORSVIEW' is a new landscape photography event being organised in Pickering. more


“Peak District – Through the Lens” by James Grant

Very few books go into this much depth & if you’re visiting you’ll definitely find things of interest near you. more


Zero Footprint at the Environmental Arts Festival

We’ve been invited to exhibit some of the work as part of this years Environmental Arts Festival. more


Hannah Devereux

The element of landscape photography that I love is not about capturing a place as it is in reality and displaying it more


Recording of Live Streaming 14th July

In this live streaming event, Tim chatted with David Ward about his recent travels (including New Zealand, US and Scotland). more


Live Streaming Event – 14th July, 8pm BST

On Tuesday 14th July, 8pm BSTTim will be chatting with David Ward about his recent travels more


Masters of Vision 2015

Masters of Vision 2015 will be the 4th exhibition. more


Linda Wevill

Once we are freed from the concerns of equipment & technique, we concentrate on the image. more


The Environmental Photographer of the Year, 2015

Following on from helping the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition with their judging, I was also asked to help judge the Environmental Photographer of the Year (alongside the excellent photographer Stephen Vaughan). It may not have the profile of some larger competitions but because entry is free it attracts a great deal of entries from around the world. Over ten thousand images were submitted this year from across 60 countries and I was very surprised at the amount more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.