Terry Gibbins
I feel very lucky in that I have met a lot of the photographers that have inspired me. more

Sony A7Rii
You can see here that when you expose a difficult subject the Canon actually looks pretty good and very close to the Sony. more

‘MOORSVIEW' is a new landscape photography event being organised in Pickering. more

“Peak District – Through the Lens” by James Grant
Very few books go into this much depth & if you’re visiting you’ll definitely find things of interest near you. more

Zero Footprint at the Environmental Arts Festival
We’ve been invited to exhibit some of the work as part of this years Environmental Arts Festival. more

Hannah Devereux
The element of landscape photography that I love is not about capturing a place as it is in reality and displaying it more

Recording of Live Streaming 14th July
In this live streaming event, Tim chatted with David Ward about his recent travels (including New Zealand, US and Scotland). more

Live Streaming Event – 14th July, 8pm BST
On Tuesday 14th July, 8pm BSTTim will be chatting with David Ward about his recent travels more

Linda Wevill
Once we are freed from the concerns of equipment & technique, we concentrate on the image. more

The Environmental Photographer of the Year, 2015
Following on from helping the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition with their judging, I was also asked to help judge the Environmental Photographer of the Year (alongside the excellent photographer Stephen Vaughan). It may not have the profile of some larger competitions but because entry is free it attracts a great deal of entries from around the world. Over ten thousand images were submitted this year from across 60 countries and I was very surprised at the amount more

Endframe – “The Markerstone: Harlech to London Road” by Fay Godwin
Fay Godwin (17 February 1931 – 27 May 2005) The Markerstone: Harlech to London Road. Wales 1974 I don’t think I can say I have one all time favourite photograph. I have so many for different reasons and moods. But when faced with such a question to consider your ‘favourite’ photograph from another photographer, my initial recollection were not of what I expected; I suppose upon receiving the question I was reminded of the landscape greats, Adams, Western, Porter, and more

Interview with Karen Thurman
Tim Parkin: Hi Karen, where are you based then? Karen Thurman: Luton TP: Not a renowned landscape location KT: No, but one of our ‘On Your Doorstep’ locations. One of the ones we’ve already done. TP: And what do you find to photograph on your doorstep? KT: Same thing we photograph around all our ‘On Your Doorstep’ locations - parks, woodlands, etc. TP: Interesting as I was talking to Niall Benvie about his 20/20 imaging projects and conservation photography groups. He deals with more

Caroline Fraser
Caroline Fraser’s images from New Zealand have made some think she hails from down under, so an interview with her is a good chance to clear this up (she lives in Sussex). more

Building Your Own Gallery
When we looked into moving house a few years ago, one of the criteria I had was that it had to have some outbuildings. I had all sorts of ambitious ideas about a large studio or gallery, even a teaching space where I could run processing workshops. Financial reality then set in and I set my sights a little lower, thinking in terms of a small studio-cum-gallery, but somewhere where, potentially, I could set up still life and macro scenes. Our new house more