Travelling Light and Working Faster
Travelling lighter? I’m guessing a number of photographers will identify with that - particularly given the ever increasingly popularity of mirror-less CSCs. I think it would be fair to say that not many of us actually enjoy carrying heavy loads up and down hills, or wherever else our photography takes us. But working faster?! That doesn’t sound like something any self-respecting landscape photographer should aspire to, does it? Surely it’s all about working more slowly - losing ourselves in the more

Mirex Adapter for Canon EOS to Sony ‘E’ Mount
Our recent article on the Mirex adapters from Germany sparked a lot of interest with the opportunity to mount medium format lenses on Nikon or Canon SLR cameras. In a little advertised move (you wont find it on the Mirex website) they have produced a tilt/shift adapter from the same stable for mounting EOS mount lenses to Sony ‘E’ mount. This becomes of particular interest to A7/A7R owners who now have access to some very interesting possibilities. http://www.mirex-adapter.de/index.htm The mount more

Harvey Lloyd-Thomas
Can you tell me a little about your education, childhood passions, early exposure to photography and vocation? As a child I was always into painting and drawing, along with Lego and later programming my ZX81. I did Art at A Level (along with Maths and Physics) and at one point thought of going on to do an Art Foundation Course, but ended up studying for an engineering degree and then a computing PhD at the University of Bristol. Other than the more

The Year of the Print by Charlie Waite
Surely the investment made by the landscape photographer is only fully realised when that very special exchange between photographer and subject is made manifest in the tangible form of a print. more

Marianthi Lainas
While UK’s coastline draws photographers from far and wide, the chances are that The Wirral may not be uppermost in your mind when contemplating your next excursion. more

On Creativity – Part 1
During my recent webinar for On Landscape I was struck by the fact that one question kept coming up in a number of different guises: how do I go about finding an image? more

Valda Bailey
If gaining recognition with multiple exposure images through competitions is the defining factor then my progress has been lamentably slow. more

How did it all happen?
Around ten years ago, when (from my point of view) shooting 5x4 inch film was the only show in town, I was one of a number of photographers asked to participate in a BBC series about digital photography. The presenter, Tom Ang, asked me to use a phone, to see how I got on with it and how I could apply it in daily use. It was embarrassing in more

The Landscape – Paul Wakefield
This is the latest book by British photographer Paul Wakefield. A long awaited monograph that includes photographs of both epic proportions and intimate detail. more

Exhibition Planning Part 3
This is the third and final instalment of my “journey into world of exhibitions” article. more

David Ward – Webinar Transcript
Hello and welcome to On Landscape webinar, a question and answer session with David Ward. more

Graduated Filters in the Digital Age
Like many landscape photographers coming from a film background the use of graduated ND filters was second nature and the only way to shoot transparency film. more

Trip Report from Yosemite
It really is difficult to elicit any sympathy or argue that life is hard when part of one's portfolio of tasks, labours and responsibilities involves travelling to California to lead a photographic workshop in Yosemite valley. more

Exhibition Planning Part 2
I decided to print all 26 which would give me a little leeway to chop and change once I got to the gallery (and possibly a couple of emergency substitutions for myself or the gallery to use should any prints get damaged more

Dalt Quarry – A Compositional Study
The act of finding and constructing a composition is one that struggles to be pinned down. The way each photographer manages this is often quite different and to generalise about the ‘best’ way is a pointless task. more