on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

With Trees

The book is sold in a set of different editions and I plumped for the luxury edition with slip case and prints and the book arrived with a custom screen printed cardboard protector box and inside this a subtly UV printed white slip case protects the book itself. more


Interview With David Breen of Triplekite Publishing

We had a chat with David Breen and asked him a few questions about the project and future plans. We've included a few pictures from the first print run of Dav's book at the Gutenberg press in Malta. more


Will Clarkson

Will Clarkson "Game" project takes a contrary point of view to many purist landscape artists work who concentrate on the knee-jerk environmental point of view and presents the story of the gamekeeper, the oft maligned arch enemy of wildlife and landscape lover. more


Marc Elliott

Landscapes, natural beauty, an appreciation for the elements, have grown up beside for as long as I can remember. more


The Last Stand

The initial idea actually came out of other work I did about eight or nine years ago which was called "Abandoned", which led to places that had some social or political or historical significance and memories, stuff like that. more


Jon Wyatt

A background in business and snowboarding helped Jon Wyatt create a successful business in photography but the move from commercial photographer to fine art photographer isn't the easiest. more


A Boscage of Birch

Just under a year ago, I started hatching a plan for a photography project which would not only be different from my previous work but would provide a genuine challenge. more


Exporting for Accurate Colour

David Clapp follows on from our short article last issue about icc profiles with a look at gamut and how you can ensure that your pictures don't clip colours. more


Scotland’s Fifty Finest Mountains

The book, "Scotland's Fifty Finest Mountains, A Photographic Exploration" is a great fit for John's ethos and approach. Choosing the top fifty was always going to be a challenge though and it sounds like this wasn't settled until just prior to print. more


Jim Robertson

Jim Robertson featured in our 4x4 portfolio recently and I asked him if he could answer some questions for our featured photographer section more


4×4 Portfolio

Our new feature this issue is 4x4, a set of four mini portfolios each consisting of four images related in some way. If you would like to submit your own 4x4 portfolio please visit this page for submission information. Adam Pierzchala Harvey Lloyd-Thomas Julian Love Vanda Ralevska more



Bluebells: such a quintessentially British flower that gives so much joy to so many of us. I read somewhere that Britain hosts as much as 30% of the world’s bluebells; no wonder then that they are such a popular photographic subject for happy snappers and serious pros alike. Creating a novel image of bluebells has become very difficult, but nevertheless I set myself the goal of producing something that I had not seen already. Having struggled with the most more


Sun on Rum

A set of images attempting to dispel the myth that it is not possible to make worthwhile landscape photographs under harsh overhead sun. On a trip to the Small Isles of Scotland, we visited by boat the remote beach of Bagh Rubha Mhoil Ruaidh on the north-east side of Rum. I literally turned my back on the views of the Black Cuillin across the water on Skye and for several hours concentrated on the 100 metres or so stretch of beach. more


Lewis and Harris

Some seascapes I shot while visiting friends on the Isle of Lewis over Easter. more


After the Rain

I know how much a lot of people don't like rain. However as a photographer, there are a lot of times when I am really grateful for it. It makes everything so fresh, all colours suddenly become much more vibrant and little details come alive. And if you get a little bit of mist as well, you get perfect conditions for taking atmospheric photographs. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.