on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act & Orphan Works

The government in its infinite wisdom have recently applied for and receive royal assent for the "Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act" which amongst other things has a couple of items that have a significant impact for photographers. The first is related to large rights collecting organisations e.g. the copyright equivalent to the PRS society. These may have an impact but for this article we'll be skipping past them. The more


Catherine Sales

Can you tell me a little about your education, childhood passions, early exposure to photography and vocation? I have always enjoyed photography especially at a young age on holiday using my compact camera to take photos of anything that inspired me. It never occurred to me that I could have it as a career until much later on. I have always been passionate about art, mostly drawing and painting and more


Morning in Kimmeridge Bay

The British coastline has so much to offer that we are really spoilt for choice. I know Kimmeridge Bay is one of the most photographed and popular locations in England. However I still wanted to experience it myself. All these images were taken within a couple of hours I spent there from the blue hour until the tide forced me out of the beach. The sunrise was not spectacular more


Metropolitan Trees

As someone who regularly travels to cities across the world, I enjoy the way trees and the buildings that make up our cities co-exist. In this set, three images are from London and one from New York and I like the way those naked twigs and branches have such wonderful shapes and structures. more


Letters on the land

I've been subconsciously drawn to recognisable patterns on the land for some time now. These images span two years - over half my photographic 'career' - and it took me some considerable part of that to recognise that I was frequently composing frames based on common glyphs. That is, I was seeing and using familiar markings, such as letters, as the starting point for my images. Naturally, when I more


Tufa Cascades of the French Jura

Picking a theme that is not geographically based is, I feel, a near impossibility with landscape photography - geography is our stock-in-trade, after all! So I decided to concentrate on the two similar tufa formations to be found within 50km of each other on the western fringes of the Jura mountain range, which neatly straddles the border between France and Switzerland. I have been visiting these sets of cascades, more


Johsel Namkung – A Retrospective

The style, reminiscent of Eliot Porter but with echos of Harry Callahan in his abstract work, is one of considered detail. This are the illustrations to the never published Zen and the Art of Landscape Photography. more


Sebastião Salgado – Genesis

“Genesis is a journey to the landscapes, seascapes, animals and peoples that have so far escaped the long reach of today’s world” . April 11 – September 8 2013 The early morning media preview of Sebastião Salgado’s new exhibition. Genesis was well underway. Along with dozens of other critics and journalists, I had already enjoyed a welcoming hot coffee with pastries and was now marvelling at 200 stunning black and white prints on the gallery walls. Yet there was more


Andrew Gilbert Fine Art Gallery

Whilst on our pilgrimage to Devon last month Andrew Nadolski and I spent a wonderful evening with a bunch of photographers in an Exeter place of beer worship. One of the landscape photographers there, Andrew Gilbert, told us about the gallery that he had opened up nearby and we thought what a great idea it would be to visit and have a chat about how it was to open a gallery and a little but about his photography. more


H3D39 vs D800 Quality

The world of medium format digital cameras systems is one that is typically associated with either very hard working professionals or well heeled amateurs (or well heeled lazy professionals I suppose). more


H3D39 System Possibilities

OK so we’ve looked at the Hasselblad from just an image viewpoint but what else should we be thinking? Well in my opinion there are a few extra aspects of the Hasselblad system that are worth bearing in mind. The first is that, like any system, when you make a choice you are also buying into a range of lenses and with Hasselblad that range is particularly more


H3D39 vs D800 Usability

New MFD systems as we will call them are more expensive than a good car and depreciate at an even greater rate! more


David Langan

David Langan has been a reader for some time and won one of our early competitions to win an Olympus camera. He's also published a book on his local City of Aberdeen. more


Photographically Speaking: A Deeper Look at Creating Stronger Images

Photographically Speaking is a book by the Canadian based photographer David duChemin, to get some of the practical info out of the way first: It's 272 pages long and is available in paperback or Kindle format more


“I used to want to go to Iceland”

However you react to a photograph after a period of time, you will take in the whole image and have some kind of reaction to it. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.