on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free

Landmark – the Fields of Photography – Somerset House

In the second part of my review of the Landmark exhibition at Somerset House I'll be looking at the final set of images exhibited. more


The Art of Looming

The technique involved is most commonly known through the use of rear tilt on a large format camera and this article hopes to explain what is actually happening when rear tilt is used and also how to achieve it using front tilt or DSLR tilt shift lenses. more

Scroby Sands Windfarm, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

Jon Gibbs

One of the other factors I take pride in is that I have always tried to be a very naturalistic photographer, I mean that in terms of the look of my images. more


Stacks of Aurora with David Clapp

After David Clapp's recent wonderful article on Iceland where we saw some stunning aurora images and some novel locations, we asked if he could show us his focus stacking technique used on the 'shooting star' aurora shot. more


A Sideways Glance – Part Two

Rather than the highly directed activity that traditional landscape photography can often be, it is a more random process, often undertaken in the spirit of exploration. more


Take Control of your Saturation

If you take a look at the popular photography press you’ll see that the saturation slider is probably one of the most used post production tools and also perhaps one of the most abused. more


“Landmark” – A Different Take

Somerset House has, in the last few years, established itself as a premier exhibition space for international photography. Whilst it would perhaps be unfair to describe it as populist, it certainly trends to more accessible imagery than the more contemporary fare on the opposite bank of the Thames. Holding the annual Sony World Photo Expo, as well as recently "Cartier-Bresson in colour", the exhibition space is pleasingly traditional, set in reasonable size rooms with good light, than conveys a more


Camera Survey

Please complete our camera survey to make sure our tutorials and reviews are tailored to your equipment. more


Issue 54 PDF

You can download the PDF by following the link below. The PDF can be viewed using Adobe Acrobot or by using an application such as Goodreader for the iPad. Click here to download issue 54 more


4×4 Portfolios

Our new feature this issue is 4x4, a set of four mini portfolios each consisting of four images related in some way. If you would like to submit your own 4x4 portfolio please visit this page for submission information. John Irvine Nigel Flory David Higgs Adam Pierzchala more


Naturally Simple

A snowfall had simplified an otherwise messy grassy bank and these skeletons of weeds took on a wonderful graphic appearance, isolated against an almost white background. more


Touch the Trees

These are four images from 'Touch the Trees' which is an all monochrome series of large format images of the Weald and Ashdown Forest. more


Sky over Skye, 15 minutes in time

These images were taken on a camping trip with my 4 yr old son in early summer 2012. more


Stories from the Land

Jem Southam is critically regarded as one of the most important British photographers of the last twenty five years. Working with a 10x8 view camera and colour negative film, his patient pursuit of his art seems at odds with the frenetic pace of life in the 21st Century. He predominantly works in South West of England, often returning to the same location time and time again to record subtle variations in the landscape, how it changes during the seasons and exploring more


CamRanger – Live View Tested

Live view more

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