On Engagement with ‘Form’ Part Two
But the outcomes, the benefits of having those conversations, the benevolence taking root, that I am made better by having such conversations, and the stories that I have made from them in my images must be shared. more

End frame: Ash tree, Balmacara by Colin Prior
In this autumnal palette, death does not mean the end but a transformation. The ash resists mourning its loss and does not shrink from its bareness. The elder stands with a quiet confidence, unshaken, an echo of strength. more

Anne Campbell
My love for the Scottish landscape and its remote locations is, for me, better represented using a variety of darkroom processes and papers, than being a perfect HD colour image. more

End frame: Papaver Nudicale by Tine Poppe
The flowers, just past their peak and beginning to wilt, are set against the smoky, foggy and greyed landscape backgrounds, which evoke the tumult and terror of Romantic era painters working in nature’s Sublime. more

End frame: Big Horn Sheep and Mesa Arch, Canyonlands National Park by Whit Richardson
On the day Whit made this image, he arrived early and photographed sunrise from these more conventional perspectives. After some time close to the arch, he walked farther back to experiment with compositions at a distance. more

Exploring Sumi-E
These three techniques—Sumi-e, Negative Space, and black-and-white photography—have inspired a series of images that can really only be created during snow-rich winters. more

Photographing in Fiordland National Park of New Zealand
It's the being here that does this for me, tucked away in a very small corner of the most wonderful part of the planet, deep in the very heart of Te Wahipounamu, 'Fiordland National Park' in the South West of New Zealand. more

End frame: Nuevo Laredo, Mexico 1996, by Alex Webb
I have long admired this image, and it was the first one, not a landscape image, that popped into my mind after reading Charlotte's invite. more

End frame: Alaskan Arctic Circle in spring, Caribou wandering in a herd by Michio Hoshino
One evening following dinner in the cook shack at the Alaska McNeil River State Game Sanctuary and Refuge, Michio Hoshino showed me a prepublication book of his photographs. more

End Frame: Autumn Delta by Magnus Lindbom
The photograph I have chosen as the subject of this article, “Autumn Delta” by Magnus Lindbom, speaks to us as much of its creator as the ephemeral beauty of the landscape he has captured. more

End frame: The Hidden Tree by Theo Bosboom
I was immediately captivated by his fascinating universe: there are many ways to showcase creativity in an image, and for me, this represents artistic expression at its finest. more

Living Books
AI is coming to a town near you. Should you hop on the bandwagon? I have no idea, I can only say I do not feel connected to nature if I am not outdoors capturing images, I don’t feel expressive if I am writing scripts, and I find making things with my hands therapeutic. The art book making I will describe here is art driven craft from capture to more

End frame: Plastic, Perception, and Persistence by Mandy Barker
Mandy’s process is deceptively simple. She photographs fragments of our plastic-infested oceans gathered on the shores and then laid on a black fabric background with just the sun to light up the sculptural waste. more

Interview with David Ulrich
This is the ultimate paradox of the creative process; that the deeper we strive to penetrate within ourselves, the more we reach a common ground of shared human concerns. more

End frame: Black Range series 1986-89 Ian Lobb
The Black Range series by Australian photographer Ian Lobb and collected by the National Gallery of Victoria, has always been a great source of inspiration to me. more