on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free with sub

End Frame: “The Barn” by Selden B Hill

This image on the cover of the book The Unpainted South caught my eye in a book shop in South Carolina in April 2019. more

Afternoon Haze, Looking west from Swarth Fell to the Howgills

On the Edges of Mallerstang

During the spring 2020 lockdown, I had the opportunity to explore some of the more remote parts of the watershed of the Eden, on Mallerstang Edge to the East and Swarth Fell, Wild Board Fell and Little Fell to the West. more


Lockdown Podcast #10

It's an idea that has its seeds in the romantic era of landscape painting when John Ruskin, a massively influential art critic and artist of the time, encouraged painters to closely observe the landscape. more


Dale King – Portrait of a Photographer

Have you ever noticed that when you look at the work of some photographers, you instantly know that they have a connection to a place as an artist? more


End Frame: Lake Baikal from Space by National Geographic and NASA

The majority of images within were shot from the Space Shuttle in the 1980s and ‘90s. There are some earlier ones from the Apollo programme as well. Most of the images are of the earth’s surface, with just a few concentrating on ionospheric meteorology, like auroras. more


End frame: Gateway to the Moors II, North York Moors by Joe Cornish

The golden light on the weathered, wooden finger-post sign, the positioning of the very top of the post against a darker background, the angles of the ‘fingers’ themselves and the intriguing, yet to be discovered, places with unknown names etched in timber and only a few miles away, by pleasant foot, in various directions. more


What You Really See

I believe a deeper understanding of human vision, and the way it interacts with colour management can help us unlock the potential in our images, as we edit, view and print. more

Trump Tower -Roger Arnall

End frame: Trump Tower, Manhattan by Roger Arnall

Roger is an Australian photographer who will be known personally to many readers. We first crossed paths on a 'light and land' tour twelve years ago, and have travelled together many times since. more

Harvey Lloyd Thomas- 11-Talm-Puffer

Eigg without Rùm

The island of Eigg is the second largest and most populous of the Small Isles located off the west coast of Scotland south of Skye. From the mainland and arriving by sea Eigg is impossible to mistake with its towering rock prow of volcanic origin: An Sgurr more


In Celebration of Projects

The mandatary ‘lockdown’ of March/April 2020 enabled me to look again very much closer to home but this time venturing in a different geographical direction, one that followed sandy narrow trails, quite at odds with the rocky greater forest around them. more

Provincetown, Massachusetts, 1976

End frame: Cape Light – Joel Meyerowitz

We are all exposed to a massive amount of photography, growing at an exponential rate, but how many of these images ever really stick with us? How many have the profound effect that the artist probably hoped for? How many times have you viewed an image that changed your life? more


Portrait of a Photographer – Eric Bennett

It has become quite apparent to me that Eric’s goal with his photography is purely selfless – he wishes to inspire the world to take better care of wild places. more


Is Pictorialism a dirty word?

Is it a style of photography that you look down on? It is associated with a particular period, but we are still influenced by it. more


End frame: ‘Iona Sun’ by Paul Kenny

When asked to write for the End Frame section of On Landscape, one artist that sprung to mind among many of my favourites was Paul Kenny and especially the image ‘Iona Sun’. more

Roy White 11

Nature Without and Within

I have come to think of my photographic approach as that of losing myself to the experience of seeing, where seeing includes other senses, as well as that of the eyes. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.