Portrait of a Photographer – TJ Thorne
The ones that seem as though they were photographed in cold conditions somehow make me feel calm and at peace with the world. more

One day ~ Time in landscape photography
That morning provided me with over two hours of snap shooting interrupted by some instances of contemplation. As a result, a series of 15 photos taken in a silence only broken by the stir of a distant breeze. more

End frame: Clear stream edged with maples, by Shinzo Maeda
Clear stream edged with maples reminds the viewer that we are a part of the natural order of things, and it is our most solemn duty to care for the treasures of nature with which we have been blessed. more

Phone Photos
My iPhone removes all the technical barriers. I see something and I snap it. Simple. We make life too complicated at times. more

End frame: Paria Canyon, Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness area in Northern Arizona by Jack Dykinga
A mecca of sorts for landscape photographers, Paria Canyon is certainly well documented. Nevertheless, Dykinga’s image stands apart. I was struck by the juxtaposition of the ancient petrified sand dunes with the withered branch. more

Perfection in Nothingness
What does this image convey to you? A feeling of peace, calm and quietness? Does it suggest tranquillity and harmony? Perhaps a meditative feeling, of a sense of emptiness? more

I saw the potential for revealing a chaotic harsh environment seemingly devoid of conventional photographic beauty in graphical terms. more

End Frame: Autumn Leaves in Wood by Glenys Garnett
Are we looking at the mist in the woodland, or do the colder tones, along with the sparse nature of the leaves, represent the last throws of autumn and the onset of winter? more

Landscape and the Philosophers of Photography
The battle between the photographer and the camera to provide an informative image and avoiding redundancy is an increasing challenge as novel locations become commonplace and cameras and digital processing more sophisticated. more

Graveyard Bins
The bins and the contents were really just part of what I was trying to convey. It was the mechanisms of grief and ritual I was commenting on and their wider impact on our daily lives. more

The Highs and Lows of a Landscape Photographer
Do you remember Ciara and Dennis – how can you not?! Sod’s law would have it that I managed to coincide my trip with these two storms more

End Frame: ‘Dead Camelthorn Trees, Dead Vlei, Sossusvlei, Namibia’ by Frans Lanting
To draw attention to the story he wants to tell, he has to make images which are beautiful, creative and compelling. Therefore, he is always looking for different perspectives and different ways to show us the world. more

End Frame: ‘High Light’ by Colin Prior
What is striking is his capability to capture the authentic spirit of place, and by doing so, his place within that place. He offers some of the most natural interpretations of a landscape more

It’s Up To You What You See
Abstract art can be the most frustrating of art forms, but it can also be the most rewarding. There is a simple reason for this I think: the responsibility for finding ‘meaning’ in an image is thrown entirely on to the viewer. more

There & Back Again!
The fact was I had lost the mojo and the enthusiasm. It had become an automated process. There were few decent ones I could have printed, which is my litmus test for a good image. more