on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
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Compare and Contrast

I guess this analytical approach stuck because as I look at these two photographs by Finn Hopson, I can’t help but react in exactly the same way. They both have the same subject – woodland scenes with mist and fog. They are structured very similarly – strong verticals bisected by flowing horizontals. But their mood is completely different. more


End frame: Plate 29, Series called ‘Door suite’ by Ray K. Metzker

Metzker always titled and grouped his images based on their location or technique. He rarely gave individual images a descriptive title. more


End frame: Evening Tracks, Swaledale by Garry Brannigan

There is a natural meeting point of all the lines in the middle of the picture which holds the eye in the frame; so often this is not the case and we wander off the page! The trees on each edge help to emphasis this point. more


Why did you take it?

This question is not given a lot of thought and this can be the difference between an excellent image and an average, or even a bad one and responses can be convoluted and unclear. more


End frame: Dovercourt Lighthouse by Neil Hulme

The lighthouse is a subject that has been shot many times but I think Neil has delivered an image with an air of reflective beauty and mystery. more


End frame: The Dysfunctional Family by Simon Baxter

One of the photographers I follow on YouTube, stands out for his woodland photography; Simon Baxter. Being able to watch Simon discovering, composing and making his images, provides an invaluable insight into his thinking and I hope plants creative seeds in my photographic mind. more


Alan Lait

There is something about the rugged beauty of the mountains, mixed with the often moody weather that I engage with and, although my early visits were more about reaching the top of the fells more


End frame: Vesturhorn by Esen Tunar

It still has that uplifting vibe that I felt the first time that I saw it, and I still feel like I’m stood in the very spot that he was just taking in the wondrous view before me, probably just like he did. more


Landscape and the Picturesque

It’s interesting to analyse the mood that pictures create, the feelings they inspire, and to link that back to the decisions the photographer must have made at the moment of making the image. more


Interview with Paul Hill

In workshops, we come across a lot of people who you would say are mainstream hobbyists but they take on board and embrace the more challenging ideas that we talk about. more


End frame: A line made by walking England 1967 by Richard Long

During my recent MA in Photography at UWE in Bristol, we were asked to identify an image which had inspired us. I chose this early work by Richard Long in which he walked up and down a field to make a line. more


Geometrical Landscapes

The viewpoint has turned this into an image that is actually about something completely different. What we see here is a perfectly balanced geometric patterned rendition of the landscape. more


Interview with Greg Stewart of Kozu Books

We work very closely with the photographers in order to create a photo book that totally reflects their identity, this is crucial to the finished book and its success. more


End frame: Tree Vision by Sandra Bartocha

I can remember this image stopped me in my tracks. It is taken from a series produced by Sandra and is also an image that is evidently an abstraction from reality. more


An exploration of Brian Eno’s ‘Ambient 4 : On Land’

The album includes tracks titled, ‘Lizard Point’, ‘Lantern Marsh’ and ‘Dunwich Beach, Autumn 1960’. My interest was piqued. Where were these places, and what did they have to do with the music? more

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