on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
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Landscape and the Picturesque

It’s interesting to analyse the mood that pictures create, the feelings they inspire, and to link that back to the decisions the photographer must have made at the moment of making the image. more


Interview with Paul Hill

In workshops, we come across a lot of people who you would say are mainstream hobbyists but they take on board and embrace the more challenging ideas that we talk about. more


End frame: A line made by walking England 1967 by Richard Long

During my recent MA in Photography at UWE in Bristol, we were asked to identify an image which had inspired us. I chose this early work by Richard Long in which he walked up and down a field to make a line. more


Geometrical Landscapes

The viewpoint has turned this into an image that is actually about something completely different. What we see here is a perfectly balanced geometric patterned rendition of the landscape. more


Interview with Greg Stewart of Kozu Books

We work very closely with the photographers in order to create a photo book that totally reflects their identity, this is crucial to the finished book and its success. more


End frame: Tree Vision by Sandra Bartocha

I can remember this image stopped me in my tracks. It is taken from a series produced by Sandra and is also an image that is evidently an abstraction from reality. more


An exploration of Brian Eno’s ‘Ambient 4 : On Land’

The album includes tracks titled, ‘Lizard Point’, ‘Lantern Marsh’ and ‘Dunwich Beach, Autumn 1960’. My interest was piqued. Where were these places, and what did they have to do with the music? more


End frame: Torridonian Sandstone by Alex Nail

For me, it represents the darker and more foreboding side of Scotland and perhaps one which I should embrace more when I encounter it, rather than just purely seeking those wow moment – just one reason I have moved up here. more



My latest project ‘Wiltshire,’ is fundamentally about the heritage in our landscape. Kept, lost or rediscovered, our landscape is brought into question more than ever before. more


Luminosity and Contrast by Alister Benn

Someone once said to me “Writing about composition is a bit like dancing about architecture”. A large amount what we tend to do is instinctive, both during capture and in post-processing, and it’s very hard to put these things into words. more


Tina Freeman’s “Lamentations”

The project Lamentations is a series of diptychs that function as stories about climate change, ecological balance, and the connectedness of things across time and space. more


End frame: Altitude 2 by Hengki Koentjoro

Hengki Koentjoro’s work demonstrates how black and white photography can be so much more than these two colours. His work encompasses the many shades of grey in between. more


Mood, Emotion and Photographic Meanings

It is not always easy to express oneself or understand one's mood and meaning, but those who undertake photography as a means of expression have embarked on the most beautiful journey of their life. more


End frame: Glowing Aspens, Castle Creek Valley, Colorado by John Sexton

From the earliest days of my journey in landscape photography, John Sexton has been an inspiration. As one of Ansel Adams’ former assistants, his dedication to producing fine art,  black & white imagery using traditional materials is legendary. more


End frame: Flowers for Miles by Erin Babnik

I started photography a few years ago and have been following a select few photographers over this time who have always given me inspiration to me. I follow them purely because of their love and passion and skill in photography. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.