on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
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Stephen Barnett

I was first taught to process film in 1974 at my College of further education in Nottingham, but I wouldn’t at that stage call it ‘photography’ as I was on my way to Sheffield School of Art to study Sculpture. more


Wide Open Landscape

Robin Jones came to my attention with a series of photographs taken with an old Canon lens, nearly all wide open, and presented in a soft black and white look. The images stood out from my usual stream and as I had just started using a similar lens we got chatting a little - I was interested in finding out more and Robin was happy to help - Tim Parkin The Jones family settled in Cambridgeshire after my father decided more


Endframe: “Nianån Creek in winter” by Hans Strand

It took me quite a while to decide which image I would like to write about in the End Frame, as there are so many images that influenced me in a significant way, and even more that are a pleasure to look at. more


Creative Lightroom Pt 8

In this installment of our Lightroom videos we're looking at the new(ish) HDR module. We have an example of Joe Cornish and one from Tim Parkin. more


Thomas Peck’s Critiques

Landscape photography is a slight misnomer, in that a large number of landscape photographs have as their subject not land but water. Or at least they take the interaction between water and land as a starting point for their imagery. more


Diego Lopez

Sometimes an image pops up in your feed that stops you in your tracks. For me, this happened recently with an abstract by Spanish photographer Diego Lopez and judging by the reaction when I reshared it, the same was true for many others. more


Endframe: “Reflect on Autumn” by Mark Lakeman

Working my way across the country, from Dartmoor to Yorkshire hosting the Canon GPS Days with Tim, I would have given anything to substitute the damp and grey for a few seconds of a golden viewfinder, especially in the New Forest where the colours were exceptional. more


Turning a New Leaf

For what seems all too brief, the end of October and beginning of November heralds the time that trees withdraw their sap from the green leaves to reveal carotenoids and anthocyanins. more


Fulfilling a resolution

I am a member of a photography club; I’ve entered and had some success in competitions. And this is all great and enormous fun, but I still didn’t think I had really pushed myself. And so I made a resolution. I would have an exhibition, display a series of images, and see if I could sell some more


Creative Lightroom Pt 7

In this instalment of the Lightroom videos we'll be looking at Lens Corrections module. This corrects chromatic aberration, vignetting, distortion and perspective correction. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue the 4x4 portfolios are from Matthew Bender, Roger Voller, Scott Rae & Yoav Friedlander. more


Endframe: Bogna Patrycja Altman

Personally I’m first stirred by the composition, the central positioning of the tree immediately arrests my attention. I cannot be pulled away, as the subtle but assertive diagonal lines keeps pulling me back more


Endframe: “Bridal Veil” by Charlotte Gibb

What immediately struck me about this image was its faithfulness to the intimacy and essence of the name of the elegant Bridalveil Fall in Yosemite National Park. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolio

This issue's landscape photography 4x4 portfolio features David Driman, Jon Wyatt, Scott Walton & Stephen Hutchins. more


Thomas Peck’s Critiques “Chinesischer Turm, Englischer Garten”

Christopher Thomas’s images work in a different way. They focus on absence rather than presence. Their emotional power seeps rather than bursts onto the viewer. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.