on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Free with sub
Blade Of Light Rafael Rojas

End frame: Blade of light by Rafael Rojas

The photographer who created this image, Rafael Rojas, is a master at seeing, and takes great pleasure in teaching people how to see and to master the use of photography as a creative tool of personal expression. more

Cominboeuf Haiku 1

Landscape as Visual Haiku

Most visual haiku images to be found are not linked to words, though there are examples where images have been used as a basis for haiku, or as in the Forms of Japan, existing haiku have been chosen to accompany an image. more

1824 Hj 001 18.tif

End frame: Taos Gorge, taken in 2007 near Taos, New Mexico by Jack Spencer

It was the fence that confused me. What in the world!? It took me a while to see it as a metaphor. The fence is a guardrail, a human artefact that "protects" us from seeing clearly or even directly interacting with the natural world beyond it. more


End frame: “Wiltshire, October” by Barry Thornton

I thought that all these great photographers are well known, and that it might be interesting to choose someone who is not a public figure. Looking through my photographic books, I decided to choose Barry Thornton. more

Thomas Joshua Cooper The Snake River. Cauldron Linn, No. 2

End frame: The Snake River. Cauldron Linn, No. 2 Jerome County, 2003 – 2004, Thomas Joshua Cooper

In the summer of 2003, Thomas Joshua Cooper travelled to Shoshone Falls in southern Idaho to photograph where the Snake River had tumbled across a 212 foot precipice more


Topographical Chapel/Capel

With over 6000 chapel/capel sites dotted across the country, it is clear that the religious landscape of Wales was once deeply dependent on a place to worship. more

Shell Pocket Twilight Copy

End Frame: Shell Pocket Twilight by Joe Cornish

While looking through First Light, it also dawned on me that many of the images in the book, especially Shell Pocket Twilight, are much more than just a photograph. more

Marianthi Lainas Tidal Pool #5

End frame: Tidal Pool #5 by Marianthi Lainas

When I saw this photograph by Marianthi, my first thought was that I was not sure if I was looking at the sea, but I definitely felt it. more

Into A Forest's Breath

Into a Forest’s Breath

Most of my projects usually imply very long periods of waiting, and this one was no exception. I am lucky enough to live in a house with a magnificent view over the Portofino promontory. more

Bartocha Svalbard End Frame

End frame: Advendalen by Sandra Bartocha

The ethereal lighting illuminating the mountainside is what immediately draws the viewer into the landscape. This low sunlight radiates a warmth that perfectly complements the cold blues of the arctic tundra. more

Filigree P1046590 2 Ellen Borggreve 2048

Craftsmanship or Intuition

Craftsmanship is a process, not a finish line. It is developed by constantly challenging what you know already to see if you can go further, by unlearning the learned and by being willing to let go of things that might work but no longer express who you are and questioning what you are being told. more

Quietly Wirth Nathan 2048x2048

End frame: Quietly – Marin County Hills, CA (Infrared) by Nathan Wirth

Titled “Quietly - Marin County Hills, CA (Infrared)”, this image is a striking example of how black and white photography is more, not less. more

3029 Abisko Birches Sunset

End frame: Arctic Birches at Sunset, Lake Tornetrask by Lizzie Shepherd

What first drew me to Lizzie Shepherd’s Arctic birches at sunset, Lake Tornetrask, were its lovely muted colours. Winter in northern regions is sufficiently devoid of strong colour that we’re tempted to revert to monochrome. more

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End frame: PIA19952: The Rich Color Variations of Pluto’ by New Horizons

Picking a photo for Endframe was exquisite torture. There isn’t a photographer I revere above all others. (There are too many to choose from!) Or even one particular favourite ‘go-to’ photo. (Ditto!) And don’t get me started on locations; I could happily wile away an afternoon looking at great landscape images from anywhere on the planet. Thinking about it, I could happily wile away an afternoon looking at great photos on any subject, not just landscapes. Can you see how more

2021 No5

A Little Piece of Eden

Throughout those 25 years and the transition from film to digital, I have found myself coming back again and again to a small reach upstream of the bridge to Shoregill, where the river tumbles over a short series of low, moss-covered, limestone rock steps. more

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