End frame: Laurent Kronental « Souvenir d’un Futur »
At a time when questions of representation and representativeness are often raised in documentary photography, it's interesting to note how a singular approach manages to stand out and offer a more subjective view of a subject. more

End frame: 2.56pm, 1st January 2018 by Chris Harrison
The photograph (a single image) is the view through a very damp and smeary window on the top of a double decker bus. I think anyone who has spent time on a fuggy bus journey on a wet winter day can relate to the condensation dripping down the windows and the blurry view of slow traffic and wet people scurrying around below. more

End frame: Cherokee Autumn Forest by Christopher Burkett
Burkett masterfully arranges the colourful leaves and contrasting lines of the tree trunks and branches, evoking the harmony rather than the chaos that often exists in nature. more

End frame: Gneiss Boulders, Isle of Harris by Lizzie Shepherd
I love the transition zones, where the hardness of the rocky shore meets the soft texture of the breaking waves, followed by the colour transition of the blue sea into the soft grey of the distant mountains. more

Britain’s Temperate Rainforests
In the UK, it is also known as the Atlantic rain forest or Celtic rain forests; this is due to being located on the western side of the UK where Celtic heritage is renowned, and the Atlantic hits our coastline more

End frame: Alpine Clouds, Sarek National Park – March 2015 by Magnus Lindbom
Magnus’ image “Alpine Clouds” reveals the special, timeless qualities of the mountains and represents a deep, ongoing commitment to exploring the region through the seasons and over the years more

End frame: Music Temple, Glen Canyon, Utah by Tad Nichols
Music Temple shows a calm curved section of the Colorado River as it runs beneath curved buttresses of sandstone. The bright sunlit sections contrast with the dark streaks of desert patina on the rock. more

End frame: Bridalveil Fall Winter into Spring by Charlotte Gibb
This photograph by Charlotte Gibb has been amongst my very favourite images for quite some time now. It is obviously a photograph of a well-known waterfall in the iconic Yosemite National Park, a place that has been photographed over and over again by so many, including of course, the unforgettable Ansel Adams. The reason why I chose this image as a favourite is because Charlotte has managed to make a photograph of an iconic spot that more

Past Masters – Part Six
In a sense, ancient Japan died with Hokusai. The idealised image of ancient Japan we all have died with him. more

End frame: Lake Julien by Joshel Namkung
The colour contrast between the reflected blue sky on the water and the yellow grass delineates the two parts of the scene cleanly. more

Zen and the art of photography
We learn that frustration is caused by desire. It's easy to agree with this wise statement. Perhaps it’s so simple that desire drives us to create pictures which we believe will be successful. more

End-frame “Forrest Bench” by Lyle Gomes
Photographer, Jonathan Chritchley, put me on the track of Lyle Gomes. This picture is on the cover photograph of the book “Imagining Eden: Connecting Landscapes.” The book contains photographs made over a sixteen-year period from locations in America and Europe. more

Exploring New Islands
Artificial islands are not new. They have been created for thousands of years. What is new is the size and strangeness of their modern incarnations. To conclude my journey, I rowed to some ancient examples. more

End frame: Dancing in the Moonlight by Wim Vooijs
While they are not mirror images, they are beautifully balanced. The reflection is like an echo of the moon. more

End frame: Autumn Pallete by Michael Bollino
As an added bonus, Michael’s image also contains an abundance of nature’s irregular patterns and textures. That is how I believe the natural world prefers to present itself to us, always a bit chaotic, as opposed to what we commonly find in structured orchards and manicured gardens. more