on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
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•featured The Torment Of Mrs Chisholm Glen Cannich

Somhairle MacDonald

I wouldn’t say I am primarily any one thing. All aspects of expression interest me and I would like to be able to explore as many mediums and processes as possible. For me, drawing distinctions between genre, style and medium is degenerative and prohibitive. more

Bloom On Landscape

End frame: “Bloom” by Peter Coskun

Taken in the Paria Canyon Wilderness, Utah, Bloom is an example of such a captivating image. The caption reads that it captured two rocks fallen into wet mud, causing the mud to curl up as it dries up. more

Kingdom 13


The process of going back and making the connection between my teenage self, who sought solace and respite in nature, and the person I am today was a potent part of this book project. more


End frame: Light Show by Sandra Bartocha

This photograph has the perfect light and expresses it in a clean, direct, simple, and tremendously special way, striking the soul. It doesn't matter if it's the first ray of sunshine of the dawn or the last of the evening. more

Hugh Milsom 1 This One

End frame: “Sand Patterns, Laig Bay” by Hugh Milsom

The photograph I have chosen from the book does another thing, though, important to my own ‘work’. I really like mirroring of features of a landscape in clouds above, the sea below, or in this case, the surf below the landscape. These things are, of course, part of the landscape we look at but are not always used constructively. more

4 From The Field

Gifts of the Well and the Field

The Well and The Field can bring many such gifts. Both these ways of taking on photography have opportunities for artistic growth. While the beauty of The Well is depth and transformation within constraints, the beauty of The Field is inspiration and freedom without boundaries. more

Ep Pic Cover Twilight Canyon, Glen Canyon, Utah

End Frame: Twilight Canyon, Glen Canyon, Utah, by Eliot Porter

These issues are once again gaining great importance with global warming and climate change, a long multi-year drought lowering the lake to critical levels, and the lake silting up more

No Smoke Without Fire | Joe Cornish

End Frame: No Smoke Without Fire by Joe Cornish

Starting with the broad elements, we seem to have a sort of paradise in the background, full of light, leaves, green, and ephemeral light and, seemingly, some sort of hell archetype in the front, scorched earth, scattered debris and all the evidence of the fire. more

New Transect 14 Updated File Frm Niall

End frame: Colour transect #19, 57.868º N by Niall Benvie

One of the things I have learned from Niall recently is not to be frightened of using words in photos. Particularly if you are communicating a message, one or a few words can ensure that the message is not missed or misunderstood. more

Image 3 Wewire

Photographic Glossaries

As I read through the glossaries in Landmarks, it was impossible not to relate their spellbinding power back to the expressive potential of photography and contemplate how the concept of a place word glossary might relate to the curation of image collections. more

Les Walkling On The Nature Of Things 2012 2048px

End frame: On the Nature of Things 2012 by Dr Les Walkling

Robert Adams, in his 1996 essay “Truth in Landscape”, opined that “landscape pictures can offer us three verities - geography, autobiography, and metaphor.” I find this is a useful framework through which to consider why an image remains in my thoughts. A photograph in which an artist succeeds in posing a question is uncommon. An image in which the viewer is left pondering a moral response to the posed quandary is memorable. The skill more


End frame: Skyfall by Valda Bailey

n the face of it, it’s a little ominous and there could even be a storm brewing. There is something very dark in the background – a cliff? an approaching storm? The palette is subdued, mainly shades of blue, white and black, with some touches of warmer browns in the foreground more


Using the Cambo Actus MV

MV stands for Maximum Versatility. And Cambo seems to have thrown the kitchen sink at designing this technical camera. Abandoning backwards support for film, it was designed from the ground up for digital mirrorless cameras and digital backs. more

Lars Van Den Brink Torri De Vajolet Italian Dolomites ( East Trentino), 2020

End frame: Image #1 from ‘Behind the Day’ Series by Lars van den Brink

This emotionally charged image, like all photography, allows one to ponder our feelings, our thoughts, to connect with the world we frequently rush through. more

Sierra Nevada Morning Oil 1870 Albert Bierstadt

End frame: Sierra Nevada Morning by Albert Bierstadt

What’s a painting doing featured in an end frame article? I hear you protest. Well, for me, it is one of the most impactful images that I’ve experienced - either painted or photographed. more

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