End frame: Fruit Trees, Laimbach, 2010 by Bernhard Fuchs
To me, his photography encompasses an absolute mastery of the technical side of the medium with a strong sense of emotion more

Interview with David Magee
My earliest memories are of being by the sea. It is alive, it has a voice and a beating heart. It is a literal force of Nature. Every time I’m close to the sea I feel a calming sense of serenity and security. Especially the coastline of West Cork. more

Metaphysics & the Rückenfigur
The reason that I’ve approached the photograph in this way is that it reminds me so much of one of the masterpieces of German Romanticism, Caspar David Friedrich’s Wanderer over the Sea of Fog (1818 more

New Location, Same Focus
I made it down to the beach, a former smuggler’s haunt, and was amazed to see the quite wonderful ripples and swirls of the red sandstone. more

States of Grace
My work is rooted in the serenity I find in the sinuous elegance of organic forms. I photograph intuitively, guided by what I feel as much as what I see. more

End frame: Dorset, 1986 by Sir Don McCullin
McCullin’s landscapes have helped to inspire me to look more carefully at my immediate surroundings, with a view to taking photographs, and to broaden my ideas about what makes a suitable subject for a photograph. more

End frame: First in the Series of ‘Oracles’ by David Parker
I love this photograph because it is so mysterious. What is happening? Is it real? Is the water falling or rising, magically suspended or turned to ice? more

End frame: Toward Los Angeles, CA by Dorothea Lange
During a year like this, when the pandemic is giving us millions of souls to weep for as well as to remember, the imperative is to build our future by studying the past. Awareness of the past is the sharpest weapon we have in determining our future. more

Back in the autumn, I saw a Facebook post by Jon about his new book 'Whispers' and we ordered a copy. Time got the better of me but I eventually got around to enjoying the book back in spring 2021. It had been a number of years since we interviewed Jon as our featured photographer, so I got in touch and started chatting about what he'd be up to and how the project came about. We interviewed you back more

Rabbit Warren Woods
To the pure of heart, lockdown was a chance to grow, be it spiritually, physically, and educationally. Unfortunately, I’m not pure of heart and lockdown continues to be difficult. Rabbit Warren Woods, a small pocket of trees close to home gave me a place to reclaim positivity. I’m not naturally introverted, and normally my moments of isolation are when I choose to be on my own, usually in the hills, often camping, these are times of reflection and times of more

End frame: Raplee Anticline and the San Juan River, Utah by Christopher Brown
The geology of this area of southern Utah is also interesting. The Raplee Anticline, near the town of Mexican Hat, Utah, was formed by the same plate tectonics that pushed up the Rocky Mountains some eighty million years ago. more

End frame: Trees from a Train No. 109 by Cole Thompson
Cole Thompson's display of spontaneity, discovery, experimentation and tenacity is certainly not unique for photographic artists; most seasoned landscape photographers employ them at one time or another in the execution of their work. I more

Loss in the Landscape
In September 2019 a funeral service was held on the former bed of the Pizol Glacier in Switzerland1. The glacier had lost 80% of its volume since 2006 and was now small enough to be declared dead by those mourners present. more

End frame: Winter Morning by Theo Bosboom
At first glance, there’s not much happening in the bottom half of the frame, but it’s a wealth of fine texture and colour nuances, bringing a subtle line up from bottom left towards top right that meets the curve of snow crust. more