on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Availability

End frame: ‘Iona Sun’ by Paul Kenny

When asked to write for the End Frame section of On Landscape, one artist that sprung to mind among many of my favourites was Paul Kenny and especially the image ‘Iona Sun’. more


The Perimeter

Quintin Lake has featured in a couple of articles about his adventures in "From Greenland to the Sahara" and a walking project on the Thames Waters in previous On Landscape issues more

John Higgs 4

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: Barry Rosof, Benjamin Stevens, John Higgs & Sanjeev Kumar Yadav. more

Barry-Rosof-Canada Geese

Stormwater Facility

This year, housebound due to the Coronavirus, I had limited reasons to leave the house. Walking the dog was an approved activity. Once the snow melted, I would slip a small camera into my pocket and visit the ponds on my daily dog walks. more

Benjamin Stevens 3

Outback Trees

I love their shapes and forms and the way in which they interact with the landscape. I love their bark, which comes in such a varied range of colours and textures. more

John Higgs 3


River Affric, Dog Falls, November 2019. Same subject minutes apart. more


Colour of Nature

The weather in Dhanaulti can be unpredictable, but this results in it always being interesting. We could see an enormous amount of rainbows and rain being whipped up into beautiful clouds in the distance. more

Roy White 11

Nature Without and Within

I have come to think of my photographic approach as that of losing myself to the experience of seeing, where seeing includes other senses, as well as that of the eyes. more


A Summons to Seriousness

Although we may differ in our preference of where and how we feel most at ease and most motivated to photograph, we all have the choice to consider such situations as “summons to seriousness.” more

David Magee_Stratum


These images form part of an ongoing study of the Atlantic coast of Ireland. This exhibition presents seven photographs. more


Stuart Williams

With the exception of my tertiary education, I have spent my life in Africa, having grown up in Kenya. I grew up under big skies and the equatorial sun. more

Huibo Hou - witchfinger

Huibo Hou

Huibo’s image of the Witch’s Finger (Trølkonufingur) in the Faroe Islands is a great example of emotive feeling exploding out of an image. To say it’s got drama is to do it a disservice. The view here is epic, monumental, awesome in the Burkian sense of the sublime. more


Why Photography is Important

I knew that taking photographs was going to be my route to introducing some sort of balance into my life. Given that I didn't have a Plan B this was a bit of a relief. more

William Neill - Rock, Water and Tree, Yosemite

End frame: Rock, Water and Tree, Cascade Falls, Yosemite 2011 by William Neill

The delicious curving lead from the bottom left is beautifully revealed at this speed and water volume. It fulfils its role perfectly and draws the viewer through the image to the beautiful split rock. more


The Metaphoric Landscape

Ultimately we all find our own ways of translating what we see in the world, in the landscape, and in our own photographs; and with luck, hope that our way of seeing will find resonance for others. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.